Reference no: EM132900913
What is the right location for a manufacturing plant or a service organization is often critical to its success?
What is small groups and have each group member pick one manufacturing plant or one service organization in town and list at least three reasons why its location helps or hinders its success?
What it is important for a teams of four or five, discuss the need for better operations management in the airline industry?
What it is important for team to develop a report listing problems team members have encountered in traveling by air and suggestions for improving operation so such problems won't occur in the future?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of producing goods overseas using inexpensive labor?
What are some production facility at your school, such as a sandwich shop, library, or copy center, and redesign the layout to more effectively serve customers and allow employees to be more effective and efficient?
What are some recent experiences you have had with service organizations and select one in which you had to wait for an unreasonable length of time to get what you wanted?