What is the reynolds number for water flowing

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM13531098

1.For water at 25°Cflowing in a pipe with a 2 cm diameter and 1 m length,determine:

if the flow laminar,turbulent, or transitional, when the average velocity is 0.142m/s.

2.What is the reynold's number for water flowing in a 24 inch circular pipe at a velocity of 6.21 ft/s?  is the flow laminar or turbulent and what is the velocity head of the flow?

3.In older houses one will often find steel waterpipings whereascopper tubing is now generally used. While carrying out renovationsplumbers often interconnect the steel pipings with Copper tubings.Is this a sound practice? Explain.

Reference no: EM13531098

Questions Cloud

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