Reference no: EM13910116
ENG 101 ONLN Syllabus Scavenger Hunt
Directions: This assignment is meant to familiarize you with the course syllabus (found under the Syllabus tab) and the course content found on Blackboard. The questions below are to be answered in COMPLETE SENTENCES. Note: the BOLD words/phrases indicate the "main idea" or "main topic" of the question. Use those key words to help you scan your syllabus and Blackboard for the correct answers. You can type right in this document and then save/send it, or you can open a new document and save/send from there. Your choice. This assignment is worth 5 points.
1. What is your instructor's
a. Name:
b. Email address:
c. Office location:
d. Office hours:
2. What is the required textbook for ENG 101 ONLN? Where will all OTHER materials be located?
3. What are some reasons that plagiarism occurs? How can you avoid plagiarism? What are some penalties that could occur should a student be found plagiarizing in this class? Which pages in your textbook address plagiarism and how to avoid it?
4. Read Expectations for Online Course Work. Summarize this section in your own words.
5. What is the procedure for submitting written assignments to the instructor?
6. Summarize the Late Work policy in your own words.
7. Summarize the Extra Credit policy in your own words.
8. Explain the optional rewrite process in your own words. What ELSE do you have to submit with the revised draft of your paper?
9. On what page in your A Writer's Reference (AWR) handbook can you find a sample essay that will show you the correct formatting for an academic essay written in MLA style?
10. By what criteria will your essay assignments be graded?
11. How will your discussion boards be graded? On what page of your syllabus can you find a sample discussion board post? (PLEASE READ THAT SAMPLE BEFORE POSTING TO THE DISCUSSION BOARD!!!)
12. Explain the Peer Review process in your own words. How will peer review work in our class? Whose paper will you review? On what page of the syllabus can you find a sample peer review DB post? (PLEASE READ THAT SAMPLE BEFORE POSTING TO THE PEER REVIEW DISCUSSION BOARD!!!)
13. In your syllabus, I list resources to help you with understanding proper Modern Language Association (MLA) formatting for in-text citations and Works Cited pages. Where can you find those resources?
14. Summarize the Final Grading Note in your own words.
15. On our Blackboard site, click on Course Materials. What are the first two documents (not folders) in Course Materials? Describe what each document is. When do you think your might NEED these documents this semester?
16. What items are posted in the Course Materials Unit 1 - Essay#1 folder found on Blackboard?
17. List three items that can be found under the Grammar Resources link on Blackboard.
18. List two items that can be found under the Citations Resources link on Blackboard.
19. On what page(s) of the syllabus do you find the directions for how to post to the Discussion Board?
20. Look at the KEY in the Schedule of Events, Readings, and Assignments section of the syllabus, and define the following:
a. AWR:
b. Red:
c. Green:
d. Blue:
e. BBDB:
f. CMU#:
21. Look at the syllabus Schedule of Events, Readings, and Assignments. What should you do FIRST every time that we start a new unit?
22. Look at the syllabus Schedule of Events, Readings, and Assignments. What are the dates that we will be working on Unit 1?
23. Look at the syllabus Schedule of Events, Readings, and Assignments. When is Essay #3 due?
24. Go to the Blackboard menu and click on the Tutorial Services link. Once in that link, look LEFT and click on Tutoring Online. Read the "Discussion Board-Based Online Tutoring Section." Or, look at the screen shots under the Course Materials link. How do you sign up for an ONLINE tutoring session for ENG 101?
25. On Blackboard, go to the Discussion Board. Go into the first DB FORUM (ENG 101 Café). Click on the THREAD. Read the thread. Post an introduction to the class. Comment on other people's threads.