What is the relationship between reliability and validity

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133734212


Part 1 Reliability and Validity"

Use the questions belows as headings (i.e., copy and paste the question and then provide your answer underneath).

What is the relationship between reliability and validity?

Can a test have one without the other? Give examples of tests that you have been exposed to in your life with either questionable reliability or validity.

Why did you think it had poor reliability?

Why did you think it had poor validity?

  • Part 2 It is important that you learn how to critically review research. In our society today, we are exposed to many studies. Some are excellent, some are useful, and some are invalid and unreliable. How can you determine what information is useful and what is dangerous? The most important thing you will learn from this course-and from your college education-is how to critically evaluate information presented to you. Critical thinking involves asking five questions: who, what, when, where, how.
  • Find and read an article in the media, a journal, or a video clip that reports the results of a scientific study on psychological testing. You may choose from any type of psychological test, including tests for IQ, psychological problems (e.g., depression, anxiety), psychological traits (e.g., self-esteem, resiliency) or personality (e.g., agreeableness, openness). Again, it must be specifically about a psychological testing instrument. You must include the link to the website. You must include the link to the website.
  • How accurately did the media report the study?
  • Answer the above five questions about the article (Who, What, When, Where, and How).
  • Upload assignment. Please be sure that your article is research based.Your review must have at least a 200 word count.

Reference no: EM133734212

Questions Cloud

What statute is relevant to the sour v jabba fact pattern : What damages are available to an ADEA plaintiff if the employer's conduct was willful? Provide authority for your answer.
Emphasizing its importance in the digital age : The concept of big data (and its applications) and the concept of the right to privacy, emphasizing its importance in the digital age.
Develop a change management process : As the implementation wraps up, your team needs to develop a change management process to help prioritize changes to the system.
Summarizing the elements of strategic planning : Summarizing the elements of strategic planning and applying them to your hypothetic/real world scenario that you developed.
What is the relationship between reliability and validity : Can a test have one without the other? Give examples of tests that you have been exposed to in your life with either questionable reliability or validity.
Introduction to industrial and organizational psychology : Organizational change is a pivotal approach that supports, prepares, and guides individuals, organizations, or teams through significant transformations.
Types of organizational change : Conte & Landy (2018) state that many organizations fail to achieve change because of "either/or" thinking which often happens in transformational.
Discuss issues of social distancing : Discussed how issues of social distancing, and management biases based on age, race, and gender could become exacerbated with virtual teams.
Utilizing spiritual leadership to enhance satisfaction : Organizations can secure a better place for their virtual teams by utilizing spiritual leadership to enhance satisfaction and well-being among team members.


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