What is the regulating agency for the sarbanes-oxley act

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131086262

Question 1

The __________ is a national program that empowers and encourages excellence among U.S. organizations, including manufacturers, service organizations, educational institutions, healthcare providers, and nonprofit organizations.

Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Baldrige National Quality Program
Technology Innovation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Question 2

The __________ is a network of centers around the United States that offers technical and business assistance to small- and medium-sized manufacturers.

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Technology Innovation Program
Baldrige National Quality Program
Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership

Question 3

The __________ is the preeminent organization for developing and publishing international standards for technologies related to electrical and electronic devices and processes.

American National Standards Institute
International Electro technical Commission (IEC)
International Telecommunication Union
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Question 4

The purpose of the __________ is to "make the Internet work better." It focuses on the engineering aspects of Internet communication and attempts to avoid policy and business questions. It is an open organization, and it has no membership requirements.


Question 5

The stated purpose of the __________ is to develop protocols and guidelines that unify the World Wide Web and ensure its long-term growth.


Question 6

The regulating agency for the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is the __________.

Federal Trade Commission
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Management and Budget
Securities and Exchange Commission

Question 7

The regulating agency for the Federal Information Systems Management Act is the __________.

Federal Trade Commission
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Management and Budget
Securities and Exchange Commission

Question 8

__________ is a person's right to control the use and disclosure of his or her own personal information.


Question 9

FISMA requires each federal agency to create an agency-wide information security program that includes a plan to fix weaknesses in the program. This is referred to as __________.

testing and evaluation
remedial action
incident response
subordinate plans

Question 10

The regulating agency for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is the __________.

Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Education
Securities and Exchange Commission
Federal Trade Commission.

Reference no: EM131086262

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