Reference no: EM133323077
Question 1
Which of the following is not reason presented in the textbook for why spirituality and religion may beneficial?
It may increase positive social relationship
It may promote better health habits.
It may foster positive emotions.
It may reduce negative emotions.
It may increase meaning and purpose.
Question 2
What did the final chapter say that positive psychology has finally shined the light on?
The central importance of happiness for our lives.
Our ability to help ourselves.
The best that we are and can be.
The power of positive thinking.
The relevance of psychology for everyday life.
Question 3
As presented in the Lecture Clip, which of the following were the five emotions presented that have been related to the Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence?
awe, joy, wonder, love, astonishment
awe, wonder, admiration, gratitude, astonishment
awe, wonder, excitement, love, astonishment
awe, wonder, admiration, contentment, love
awe, joy, wonder, excitement, admiration, astonishment
Question 4
What is the "reappraisal raise" discussed in the Appreciation and Gratitude Lecture Clip ?
The way that cognitive reappraisal can enable you to be more creative when trying to sell something.
What happens when you focus on the things that make you happy rather than those that make you depressed.
The way that you can increase your income by thinking about the good things about your job.
Thinking about how much you can make in the future versus how much you are making today.
This is what happens when you focus on the things that make you happy that don't cost much.
Question 5
According to the Humor and Meaning, Purpose, and Spirituality Lecture clip, which of the following is true of the questionnaires used to assess how humor is used in coping with stress?
The Situational Humor Response Questionnaire asks people about their use of humor in stressful situations and men score higher than women.
The Coping Humor Scale asks people about their use of humor in stressful situations and men score higher than women.
The Situational Humor Response Questionnaire asks people about their use of humor in stressful situations and women score higher than men.
The Coping Humor Scale asks people about their use of humor in stressful situations and women score higher than men.
The Coping Humor Scale asks people to describe how often they respond with humor in irritating situations and women score higher than men.
Question 6
According to the Lecture Clip, what are the three components of meaning?
motivational, social, intellectual
motivational, cognitive, emotional
cognitive, emotional, spiritual
spiritual, social, intellectual
cognitive, emotional, social
Question 7
In the Review Lecture Clip, which of the following was included in the ways for responding to the negativity bias?
Our ability to choose our focus.
Our ability to respond after a stimulus.
The Savoring exercise.
The Creative Kindness exercise.
The Seeing and Creating the Good exercise.
Question 8
Which of the following was not one of the Video Clips mentioned in the Review Lecture Clip?
The Power of Hope by Allan Hamilton
Shawshank Appreciation of Beauty
Monkey Fairness Experiment by Frans de Waal
Follow Your Bliss by Joseph Campbell
The Heroic Imagination Project by Philip Zimbardo
Question 9
How did Lily react when she realized she was really going to Disneyland?
She started crying.
She said "Oh my gosh."
She said "I love you mommie."
She did a "happy dance."
She just smiled and said "thank you."
Question 10
How does Neil deGrass Tyson describe feeling when he reflects on "the most astounding fact"?
He describes feeling big and in awe of the universe.
He describes feeling small and in awe of the universe.
He describes feeling small and connected.
He describes feeling big, connected, and relevant.
He describes feeling humble and amazed at the same time.
Question 11
What did Andy Dufresne do when the warden told him to turn the music off?
He turned it up.
He just stared at him.
He told him to go F-himself.
He put on another record.
He turned it off.
Question 12
What kept Viktor Frankl going when he was in the concentration camp?
The love that he felt for his family and the hope of reuniting with all of them.
The love that he felt for his wife regardless of whether she was dead or alive.
The love that he felt for his children and the hope he had of reuniting with them.
His deep faith in God and belief that God could bring good out of his experience.
The belief that God wanted him to do all he could to help keep others alive.
Question 13
Which of the following was not part of what Louie Schwartzberg said that the phrase "Oh My God" means?
"The 'oh' means it caught you attention, makes your present, makes you mindful.'
"Together it means that we are on holy ground with this divine presence."
"It (the 'my') creates a gateway for your inner voice to rise up and be heard."
"'God' is that personal journey we all want to be on to be inspired."
"The 'my' means it connects with something deep inside your soul."