What is the purpose of the sensory organs

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Reference no: EM133536759

Recognise healthy body systems

Question 1 Complete the table with information about the location of selected body system components. The first one has been done for you.

Upper respiratory tract
Hormones (that regulate other functions of the body)
Lymphatic nodes
Spinal cord
Central nervous system

Question 2 Complete this table with information about the structure of the body systems. The first one has been done for you.

Body System

Question 3 Complete this table with information about the function of the body systems. The first one has been done for you.
Body System

Question 4 State the related organ for each of the following special senses:


Question 5 What is the purpose of the sensory organs?

Question 6 State the organ that processes the information collected by the special senses.

Question 7 Complete this table with information about the function of each of the special senses.
Special sense

Question 8 List the main structures of the eye.

Question 9 Complete this table with information about the location of each of the special senses.
Special sense

Question 10 Put in order, from smallest to largest - organs, cells, tissues

Question 11 Complete this table with information about the structure of cells, tissues and organs. Component

Question 12 List two of the major organs of the body and state their location and function.

Question 13 Complete this table with information about the function of cells, tissues and organs.

Question 14 Explain the interrelationship between major components of the body systems and other structures.

Question 15 Complete this table with information about the interrelations between two different body systems. The first one has been done for you.

Body system and function
The cardiovascular system is responsible for transporting blood throughout the body. It works in conjunction with the respiratory system to help move oxygen throughout the body.
The musculoskeletal system incorporates two major systems: the muscular system and the skeletal system. The skeleton asks as a frame for the body's tissue and skin - the muscles make ambulation and movement possible.
One of the major functions of the body's systems is to keep the body in balance. The medical term that describes the processes used to regulate the body is homeostasis. One of the systems that play a major role in homeostasis is the endocrine system.
The digestive system breaks down food into energy and basic nutrients. The food is broken down into simple forms, such as glucose, amino acids and protein. This converted food is then absorbed into the blood stream from the small intestine and nutrients are carried to the cells throughout the body.

The respiratory system is responsible for ensuring the body has sufficient oxygen intake to oxygenate the blood and that it expels carbon dioxide.
The nervous system is responsible for communicating information received by the senses to the brain. It is responsible for processing information and communicating required responses to the muscles and bones.
The integumentary system is made up of the skin, glands, hair and nails. This system plays a number of roles. The skin in particular acts as a barrier protecting internal organs, helps make use of vitamin D and is a major organ that allows us to sense heat, cold, sharp surfaces and other environmental factors.

Question 16 Describe two ways that you can protect against the spread of infections.

Question 17 When participating in passive physical activity, what parts of the body are working?

Question 18 What does active physical activity contribute to healthy body functioning?

Question 19 How does knowing and sharing information about healthy body functioning enhance quality in activities by care workers?

Part B-Case study questions

Case study

Mrs Hampshire has been admitted to the aged care facility this morning. Mrs Hampshire was transferred from the acute hospital following a stroke, that has left her with the following problems:

• Left hemiplegia that requires the full assistance of two care workers and the use of the hoist machine for transfers
• Dysphasia making communication difficult, which also requires a vitamised diet and thickened fluids
• Urinary and faecal incontinence, which has led to Mrs Hampshire developing a urinary tract infection for which she is still taking antibiotics
You are required to complete the admission paperwork for Mrs Hampshire. Mrs Hampshire‘s daughter has also come in to help her mother settle in to the facility. Mrs Hampshire's daughter is able to provide the information needed to complete the paperwork. There is also a transfer letter from the hospital outlining the health problems Mrs Hampshire was treated for.

On admission, you note that Mrs Hampshire is flushed and sweaty. Attending to her personal hygiene needs, you note that the urine on the incontinence aid is quite dark in appearance and low in amount. The transfer letter from the hospital also contains a food and fluid chart that shows that Mrs Hampshire has only taken three spoonfulsof porridge and half a cup of tea this morning.

Question 1 Mrs Hampshire is dependent on the care worker for all activities of daily living (ADLs). The temperature is 32 degrees Celsius and, even though the facility is air-conditioned, Mrs Hampshire feels hot to touch and is flushed. State some actions that could assist Mrs Hampshire in maintaining a comfortable body temperature.

Question 2 What observations on admission of Mrs Hampshire would indicate that she was at risk of fluid and electrolyte imbalance?

Question 3 What two body systems involving elimination of waste from the body are important for the development of care for Mrs Hampshire?

Question 4 Explain why Mrs Hampshire may have trouble maintaining her blood pressure. Relate it to one of the body systems that Mrs Hampshire is currently having problems with.

Question 5 What is Mrs Hampshire‘s BMI? Is this within the normal range? What problems does Mrs Hampshire have that may make it difficult to maintain a healthy BMI?

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.

Case study (questions 6-8)

Mrs Hampshire has now been in the facility for 10 weeks. During this time, Mrs Hampshire has gradually improved in her health status. Regular physiotherapy sessions have maintained the muscle tone of the affected side of her body and she has been able use an electric wheelchair, which has increased her level of social interaction and physical mobility.

On admission, communication was noted to be a problem for Mrs Hampshire and was also contributing to her depression and isolation. A communication board was used and Mrs Hampshire also communicated via written words on a notepad, though this was difficult as she was previously left-handed.

Improvement in her speech through regular speech therapy sessions has also meant that Mrs Hampshire is able to communicate her needs more easily.

Mrs Hampshire still requires a special diet. By recording how much Mrs Hampshire is eating and drinking, it is found that she is not taking adequate fluids. After discussion with the supervisor and Mrs Hampshire's daughter, a plan is made for Mrs Hampshire's daughter to give her extra fluid after lunch each day. Her daughter also remembers that her mother doesn't like coffee or tea but prefers chocolate. Mrs Hampshire's fluid is changed to chocolate milk and the fluid intake increases to a healthy level.

Question 6 Explain the care actions that were taken and the body system that was affected.

Question 7 What problem-solving activity did the support worker take to assist with fluid intake to improve urinary system functioning?

Question 8 Identify the health issues that Mrs Hampshire had and may experience. Explain how this problem affects other systems of the body in supporting healthy functioning.

Reference no: EM133536759

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