What is the purpose of the matlas command window

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM13841428

1. What is the purpose of the MATLAS Command Window? The Edit Window? The Figure Window?

2. List the different ways that you get help in MATLAB.

3. What is a workspace? How can you determine what is stored in a MATLAB workspace?

4. How can you clear the contents of a workspace?

5. The distance traveled by a ball falling in the air is given by the equation

x = xo + v0t + 1/2at2

Use MATLAB to calculate the position of the ball at time t = 5 s if xo = 10 m, vo = 15 m/s, and a = -9.81 m/sec2.

6. Suppose that x = 3 and y == 4. Use MATLAB to evaluate the follow-ing expression:

(X2y3)/(x- y)2

Reference no: EM13841428

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