What is the purpose of the form or report

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM131167284

Question 1

Using lists to break information into manageable pieces conforms to the SOS guideline of:

Question 2

Two different names that refer to the same data item best defines:
transitive dependency

Question 3

The set of all data types and ranges of values that an attribute can assume defines:
constraint set
reference set

Question 4

Which of the following is not a true statement regarding data flows?
A data flow can go directly back to the same process it leaves.
A fork in a data flow means that exactly the same data goes from a common location to two or more different processes, data stores, or sources/sinks.
A data flow can go directly back to the same process it leaves.
A data flow has a noun phrase label.
A data flow has only one direction of flow between symbols.

Question 5

A named property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to the organization defines:

Question 6

Which of the following is not a true statement regarding a relation?
Each row in a relation corresponds to an attribute of that relation.
Each relation consists of a set of named columns and an arbitrary number of unnamed rows.
Each column in a relation corresponds to an attribute of that relation.
An entry at the intersection of each row and column has a single value.
Each row in a relation corresponds to an attribute of that relation.

Question 7

A table used to determine the location of rows in a file that satisfy some condition best describes:
structure chart
domain table

Question 8

A method that helps you to better understand how a system fits within existing business activities and data best defines:
system granularity
context development
integration depth
organizational breadth

Question 9

Recording a customer's payment is represented on a data flow diagram as a:
data flow
data store

Question 10

The guideline specifying that dialogues be logically grouped and have a beginning, middle, and end is:
shortcuts and sequence

Question 11

Which of the following is not a rule for structuring data entry fields?
Never justify data entries.
Never require data that is already on-line or that can be computed.
Always provide default values when appropriate.
Never justify data entries.
Always place a caption adjacent to fields.

Question 12

An Internet authoring language that allows designers to create customized tags, enabling the definition, transmission, validation, and interpretation of data between applications best describes:

Question 13

The process of migrating mainframe applications to personal computers, workstations, and networks is sometimes called:

Question 14

All of the following are usability characteristics except:

Question 15

Each regular entity type in an E-R diagram is transformed into a:
row in a relation
column in a relation
tuple in a relation

Question 16

Process, logic, and data model descriptions of a system must be consistent and complete because:
they each describe different but complementary views of the same information system
they are prepared during the analysis phase
they are constructed in parallel by separate analyst teams
programming tasks require the integration of the information contained in the diagrams

Question 17

A computer-based file containing employee information is represented on a data flow diagram as a:
data flow
data store

Question 18

Providing Internet content to users based upon knowledge of that customer best describes:

Question 19

The most widely used interface method is:
menu interaction
object-based interaction
natural language interaction
menu interaction
command language interaction

Question 20

Grouping related options together and requiring the same option to have the same wording and codes each time it appears refers to the:
organization guideline for menu design
wording guideline for menu design
selection guideline for menu design
organization guideline for menu design
highlighting guideline for menu design

Question 21

Which of the following combines range and hash partitioning by first segregating data by ranges on the designated attribute and then within each of these partitions it further partitions by hashing on the designated attribute?
composite partitioning
combined partitioning
transitive partitioning
functional partitioning

Question 22

Combining all normalized user views into one consolidated logical database model refers to:
view integration
requirements structuring
view integration
file integration

Question 23

The extent to which information contained on one level of a set of nested data flow diagrams is also included on other levels refers to:
DFD consistency
DFD completeness
DFD gap proofing
DFD flexibility

Question 24

An assertion or rule that governs the validity of data manipulation operations such as insert, update, and delete is:
triggering operation
entity integrity
referential integrity constraints

Question 25

Which of the following statements regarding the differences between file server and client/server architectures is true?
While software maintenance on the file server architecture is considered low, software maintenance on the client/server architecture is mixed since some new parts must be delivered to each client.
While the file server architecture involves efficient data transfers, the client/server architecture has large file and data transfers.
Servers and clients perform processing in a file server architecture. Only servers perform processing in a client/server architecture.
While database security and integrity on a file server architecture is high, it is low on the client/server architecture.
While software maintenance on the file server architecture is considered low, software maintenance on the client/server architecture is mixed since some new parts must be delivered to each client.

Question 26

A square on a data flow diagram represents a:
data store
data flow

Question 27

Potentially high usability problems for some applications exist for keyboards in all of the following areas except:
visual blocking
adequate feedback
movement scaling

Question 28

A decision table does not include:
condition stubs
action stubs

Question 29

An indifferent condition is represented by a(n):
dash (-)
dash (-)
asterisk (*)
exclamation point (!)
pound sign (#)

Question 30

When transforming an E-R diagram into normalized relations, the identifier of the entity type becomes:
the primary key of the corresponding relation
the foreign key in the corresponding relation
a nonkey attribute in the corresponding relation
a secondary key in the corresponding relation

Question 31

The diagram that shows the scope of the system, indicating what elements are inside and which are outside the system, is called a:
context diagram
level-2 diagram
referencing diagram
representative diagram

Question 32

The deliverables of process modeling state:
how you should develop the system during physical design
what you learned during requirements determination
how you should implement the new system during implementation
what you learned during project planning

Question 33

The primary deliverable from the conceptual modeling step within the analysis phase is a(n):
E-R diagram
state-transition diagram
context data flow diagram
decision tree

Question 34

The data manipulation operation (insert, delete, or update) that initiates the operation is called a(n):
user rule

Question 35

Movement to another screen requires the functional requirement of:
cursor control capabilities
editing capabilities
exit capabilities
help capabilities

Question 36

When each nonprimary key attribute is identified by the whole key, the relation is said to be in at least:
second normal form
third normal form
fourth normal form
fifth normal form

Question 37

A many-to-many relationship that associates certain items with their component items is called a:
binary structure
bill-of-materials structure
binary relationship
ternary relationship

Question 38

During logical database design, the work of all systems development team members is coordinated and shared through:
the project dictionary
scheduled weekly meetings
the project leader
JAD sessions

Question 39

Which of the following statements is true regarding normalization?
Normalization produces a set of well-structured relations that contain all of the data mentioned in system inputs and outputs.
Normalization is a top-down process.
Through the use of anomalies, stable structures are produced.
Normalization is an integrity constraint specifying that the value of an attribute in one relation depends on the value of the same attribute in another relation.

Question 40

Which of the following client/server architectures places all software on the client except for the data management functions?
distributed function
remote presentation
remote data management
distributed processing

Question 41

When designing Web pages, which of the following is the recommendation for avoiding bleeding-edge technology?
make sure that users do not need the latest browsers or plug-ins to view your site
avoid using large images, lots of images, unnecessary animations, or other time-consuming content
avoid scrolling text and animations since they are both hard to read and users often equate such content as advertising
make sure that users do not need the latest browsers or plug-ins to view your site
make sure you avoid designing any legitimate information in a manner that resembles advertising

Question 42

The primary characteristic of a client-based LAN is that:
all data manipulation is performed at the client PC, not at the file server
all data manipulation is performed at the file server, not at the client PC
all data manipulation is performed at the client PC, not at the file server
each client has a copy of the database and performs all data manipulations
the database is stored on the file server and all data manipulations are performed by the file server

Question 43

For a binary many-to-many relationship existing between entity types A and B:
a separate relation C is created; the primary key of relation C is a composite key consisting of the primary key for each of the two entities in the relationship
the primary keys of relation A and relation B are designated as functionally dependent attributes
secondary keys are used to establish the relationship
place the primary key of either entity in the relation for the other entity or do this for both entities

Question 44

In general, highlighting:
should not be used to warn users of errors in data entry or processing
should not be used to provide warnings to users regarding possible problems such as unusual data values
should not be used in tandem
should be used sparingly to draw the user to or away from certain information and to group together related information

Question 45

In the case of designing forms and reports, the major deliverables are:
the design specifications
an updated baseline project plan and updated statement of work
entity-relationship diagrams
the implemented forms and reports

Question 46

The ability to provide field-level help is often referred to as:
context-sensitive help
screen-level help
systems-level help
application-level help

Question 47

Basic procedures for constructing a decision table do not include:
listing all possible rules
naming the conditions and the values each condition can assume
identifying selection criteria
simplifying the decision table

Question 48

A communication protocol for exchanging information on the Internet best describes:

Question 49

Which of the following statements regarding the differences between file server and client/server architectures is true?
While database security and integrity are low on a file server architecture, they are high on a client/server architecture.
While network usage involves efficient data transfers on a file server architecture, it is not efficient on a client/server architecture.
In terms of hardware and system software flexibility, there is less need for coordination between the client and server on a client/server architecture than on a file server architecture.
In terms of concurrent data access, concurrent data access is managed by the client in a client/server architecture.

Question 50

Client-based deliveries of applications to users of PCs and workstations are called:
client-delivery applications
local applications
front-end applications
back-end applications

Question 51

The general design guideline stating that outputs should be self-explanatory and not require users to remember information from prior outputs in order to complete tasks is:

Question 52

If a form is delivered on a visual display terminal, which design specification section would describe the capabilities of this device?
narrative overview
sample design
testing and usability
management issues

Question 53

When designing forms and reports, the first activity is to:
gain an understanding of the intended user and task objectives by collecting initial requirements during requirements determination
structure and refine the requirements independent from the users
ask users to review and refine prototypes of the form or report
structure and refine the requirements with the users

Question 54

Which of the following refers to the set of all data types and values that an attribute can assume?
referential integrity constraints
triggering operations
entity integrity

Question 55

An effectively designed form:
minimizes the need to scroll windows
provides default values when practical
displays data in appropriate field lengths
does all of these

Question 56

A concise statement of the business rule to be enforced by the triggering operation refers to:
user rule

Question 57

An arrow on a data flow diagram represents a:
data store
data flow

Question 58

Research conducted on the usage of color found that:
color had positive effects on user task performance and perceptions when the user was under time constraints for the completion of a task
color is universally better than no color
the benefits of color are apparent regardless of the presentation format of the information
limiting the number and amount of color is not a good idea

Question 59

Which of the following properties of a relation states that an entry at the intersection of each row and column is single-valued?
Entries in cells are simple.
Entries in columns are from the same set of values.
Each row is unique.
The sequence of rows is insignificant.

Question 60

For a binary one-to-one relationship between two entities A and B, the relationship is represented by:
either adding the primary key of A as a foreign key of B or adding the primary key of B as a foreign key of A
adding the primary key of A as a foreign key of B
adding the primary key of B as a foreign key of A
combining the two entities into one relation

Question 61

A set of two or more multivalued attributes that are logically related defines:
repeating group

Question 62

When condition values are either "yes" or "no", these values are called a(n):
extended entry
simple entry
complex entry
limited entry

Question 63

Entering invalid data into a field describes:

Question 64

Which of the following is a fundamental question to ask when designing forms and reports?
Who will use the form or report?
What is the purpose of the form or report?
Where does the form or report need to be delivered and used?
All of these

Question 65

The process of linking together previous stand-alone personal computers to form networks that support workgroup computing is sometimes called:

Question 66

A method by which users interact with information systems defines:

Question 67

If a data flow appears on the context diagram and is also represented at level-0, this would be referred to as:
flow conservation

Question 68

A supplier of auto parts to our company is represented on a data flow diagram as a:
data flow
data store

Question 69

A computing server where data analysis functions primarily reside best defines:
file server
analytical server
dedicated server
application server

Question 70

The section of a design specification that explains to those who will actually develop the final form why this form exists and how it will be used is called:
narrative overview
testing and usability assessment
rationale and benefit
usage and application

Question 71

The menu positioning method that places a menu near the current cursor position is the:
pop-up menu
drop-down menu
box menu
cursor menu

Question 72

A data flow diagram that represents a system's major processes, data flows, and data stores at a high level of detail refers to:
level-0 diagram
context diagram
level-1 diagram
level-00 diagram

Question 73

The process of converting complex data structures into simple, stable data structures is referred to as:
process modeling

Question 74

A named two-dimensional table of data is a:
tree structure

Question 75

If an associative entity exists, then:
a separate relation C is created; the primary key of relation C is a composite key consisting of the primary key for each of the two entities in the relationship
the primary keys of relation A and relation B are designated as functionally dependent attributes
secondary keys are used to establish the relationship
place the primary key of either entity in the relation for the other entity or do this for both entities

Question 76

Data in motion, moving from one place in a system to another, defines:
data store
data flow

Question 77

Which of the following specifies that each instance of an entity type must have a unique identifier that is not null?
referential integrity constraints
triggering operations
entity integrity

Question 78

An association between the instances of one or more entity types that is of interest to the organization best defines:

Question 79

During physical design, you consider:
the definitions of each attribute
the descriptions of where and when data are entered, retrieved, deleted, and updated
the expectations for response time and data integrity
All of these

Question 80

For each entity, the name of the identifier is:
identified by using a double-lined ellipse
bold on an E-R diagram
written in all capital letters on an E-R diagram

Question 81

Tables should be used instead of graphs when the user will be:
comparing points and patterns of different variables
forecasting activities
reading individual data values
detecting trends over time

Question 82

When designing the navigation procedures within your system, the primary concerns are:
the design of between-field navigation and the ability to provide feedback
grouping data fields into logical categories and assigning group labels
flexibility and consistency
accuracy and reliability

Question 83

When two 3NF relations are merged to form a single relation:
transitive dependencies may result
weak entities are created
recursive relationships may result
IS-A relationships are formed

Question 84

Assume the first condition has four values; the second condition has two values; the third condition has two values. How many rules will there be?

Question 85

To convert a relation to second normal form, you decompose the relation into new relations using the attributes, called:
foreign key
relationship key

Question 86

The three main constructs of the entity-relationship modeling notation include each of the following except:
data entities
data flows

Question 87

Which of the following is a true statement?
An employee application is an example of a report.
Reports are only for reading and often contain data about multiple unrelated records in a computer file.
Reports are used to convey information on a single item.
Generally, reports are only printed on paper.

Question 88

Which of the following is not an advanced rule governing data flow diagramming?
Composite data flows on one level cannot be split into component data flows at the next level.
To avoid having data flow lines cross each other, data stores may be repeated on a DFD.
At the lowest level of DFDs, new data flows may be added to represent data that are transmitted under exceptional conditions.
The inputs to a process must be sufficient to produce the outputs from the process.

Question 89

Software building blocks that are used to assure that common system capabilities like user interfaces and printing are standardized as well as modules for facilitating the data exchange between clients and servers best describes:
an application program interface
a software patch
a database management system

Question 90

The condition that causes the operation to be triggered:
entity name
user rule

Question 91

The focus placed on forms and reports during logical design is on:
the content and layout design of the forms and reports
identifying how specific forms or reports should be implemented
identifying the content, layout design, and implementation method
None of these

Question 92

Which of the following specifies that an entity instance can simultaneously be a member of two (or more) subtypes?
overlap rule
total specialization rule
partial specialization rule
disjoint rule

Question 93

A sphere mounted on a fixed base that steers the cursor on a computer display is a:
light pen

Question 94

The variation of menu design is most often related to:
All of these
the capabilities of the development environment
the skills of the developer
the size and complexity of the system
All of these

Question 95

A miracle process is one that:
has only inputs
has only outputs
cannot be exploded further
has insufficient inputs to produce the associated processes

Question 96

The input device that is most accurate for text selection is the:
light pen

Question 97

A person, place, object, event, or concept in the user environment about which the organization wishes to maintain data refers to a(n):
data element

Question 98

When selecting an identifier, one should:
use intelligent keys
use large composite keys instead of single-attribute surrogate keys
choose a candidate key that will not change its value over the life of each instance of the entity type
choose a candidate key such that for each instance of the entity, the attribute is guaranteed to have valid values or is null

Question 99

A data warehouse that is limited in scope and whose data are obtained by selecting and summarizing data from the enterprise data warehouse best describes a(n):
information desk
rule base
data mart
data center

Question 100

A human-computer interaction method where symbols are used to represent commands or functions defines:
object-based interaction
form interaction
menu interaction
command language interaction.

Reference no: EM131167284

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