What is the purpose of the final pretrial conference

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Reference no: EM133270336

Question - CHAPTER 17

1. What are the phases of a trial? What occurs during these phases?

2. What is the purpose of the final pretrial conference?

3. Provide a list of items that might be discussed or resolved at the final pretrial conference.

4. What is jury selection?

5. What is the purpose of voir dire? How is that purpose achieved?

6. Who conducts voir dire?

7. How can a paralegal assist in the jury selection process?

8. How does the jury pool in state trial court differ from that in federal trial court? Why would one be preferable to the other?

9. Describe the difference between a challenge for cause and a peremptory challenge.

10. What purpose does the opening statement serve?

11. Describe the plaintiff's case-in-chief.

12. What is the difference between direct examination and cross-examination?

13. What is the purpose of redirect examination? Of recross?

14. What are objections? What rulings can be made on objections?

15. What is a motion for directed verdict? When is it raised?

16. What is the defendant's case-in-chief? How is it different from the plaintiff's case-in-chief?

17. What is rebuttal? Sur rebuttal?

18. Why should sidebar conferences be avoided?

19. Describe the tasks a paralegal may perform at trial.

20. How are closing arguments different from opening statements?

21. What is a jury charge or jury instruction?

22. How are jury deliberations conducted?

23. What is a verdict slip?

REFERENCES - Goldman, Thomas F.; Hughes, Alice Hart. Civil Litigation (p. 437). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.

Question - CHAPTER 18

1. List and explain some of the advantages of the use of technology in litigation.

2. What are the functions for which a litigation team uses litigation presentation programs?

3. How can PowerPoint be used as a litigation presentation program?

4. How can the legal team use presentation graphics programs? Give examples of both litigation and nonlitigation uses.

5. Explain the use of trial presentation programs.

6. What can you do when the power fails during a trial?

7. List and explain considerations in the creation of presentation graphics.

8. List and explain limitations on presentation graphics used at trial.

9. Why is the courthouse technology team important to the legal team?

Goldman, Thomas F.; Hughes, Alice Hart. Civil Litigation (p. 456). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.

Reference no: EM133270336

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