What is the purpose of primary key in a database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949920

What is relational database?

What does it contain?

What is the purpose of primary key in a database?

Reference no: EM13949920

Questions Cloud

Evaluate the rate of heat transfer : For a control volume enclosing the heat exchanger, evaluate the rate of heat transfer, in kJ per kg of water flowing.
Negligible kinetic and potential energy effects : A counterflow heat exchanger operates at steady  state with negligible kinetic and potential energy effects. In one stream, liquid water enters at 108C and exits at 208C with a negligible change in pressure.
The partnership of x and y shares profits and losses : Assume X's beginning capital balance was $80,000, and ending capital balance (after closing) was $140,000.
Determine the heat transfer : For a control volume enclosing the nozzle only, determine the heat transfer, in kJ, and the change in specific  entropy, in kJ/K, each per kg of carbon monoxide flowing through the nozzle. What additional information would be required to evaluate ..
What is the purpose of primary key in a database : What is the purpose of primary key in a database?
What environmental factors can affect divisional performance : What environmental factors can affect divisional performance in a multinational firm? What is the purpose of Internal Revenue Code Section 482? What four methods of transfer pricing are acceptable under this section?
Negligible kinetic and potential energy effects : A counterflow heat exchanger operates at steady  state with negligible kinetic and potential energy effects. In one stream, liquid water enters at 108C and exits at 208C with a negligible change in pressure.
Freedom for the purpose of improving community health : Provide an example of the government's restriction of individual freedom for the purpose of improving community health. Explain what the public health controversy is regarding the example you provide.
Build an er diagram for the given tables : The rooms are cleaned by Maids. The IT should keep track of the Maids and whichcleaned what room and when. Maids get paid by check based on the number of rooms each cleaned each month and the quality of each cleaning. The IT must keep track of the..


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