What is the purpose of conducting a literature review

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Reference no: EM133550562

PPT Homework: Literature Review in Action

In this homework, you will create a presentation that reflects on your own future proposed problem of interest you are thinking of and explain how the purpose of a literature review as it relates to this problem. Look at the rubric, and note that most of this power point relates to the literature review (The bolded sections must be part of your power point; refrain from doing power points that directly present your problem of interest. Doing a power point presentation for example on prevention of falls is not the purpose of this week 2 power point homework.

Step I: Reflect on your proposed problem of interest.

Critically think about your research question or problem of interest as your primary and secondary questions relate to this.

Step II: Consider the following questions:

1) What is the purpose of conducting a literature review?

2) What are the steps a nurse researcher would take to conduct a literature review?

3) What would be the primary and secondary questions regarding the research question or problem of interest?

4) Consider the importance of including sources with a variety of results when identifying sources pertaining to your proposed problem of interest.

5) Who is your audience?

Step III: Consider who your audience might be if you were to deliver your presentation in person.

1) What would you want them to know about this topic?

2) What would you expect them to already know?

Step IV: Create a seven- to ten-slide presentation that summarizes the purpose of a literature review.

Explain the steps in conducting a literature review. In your presentation, describe how you would approach conducting a literature review pertaining to your problem of interest. Identify one primary question and one secondary question regarding the problem of interest.

Step V: Review your presentation.

Ensure that you are using best practices for formatting slides.

1) Include a title screen and summary screen.

2) Avoid making slides too text heavy or dense with text. As a guideline, limit text on each slide to five bullet points of six words each.

3) If using graphics, be sure that they are professional, reinforce your points, and are not used merely for decoration.

4) Be sure to add what you would say if delivering the presentation to a live audience in the notes section of each slide.

Reference no: EM133550562

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Write a Review

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