What is the purpose of a vaccine what immune responses

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133340464

Topic: For the topic, Start with the Introduction and end with the section entitled, How specific are vaccine immune response. The assessment will assess how the information within the chapter has been used to inform the discussion in the topic, the information communicated on the functioning of the human immune system and the complexity of immune responses and the considerations and challenges in designing effective vaccines.

Questions: To help you get started, here are some questions you can try to answer/think about while reading the chapter.

  • What is the purpose of a vaccine? What immune responses should vaccines be inducing?
  • How is an immune response initiated? Is this knowledge important for vaccine design? How do vaccines initiate immune responses?
  • Are vaccines taken up by APCs? Is this an important step for adaptive immune activation? If so, why?
  • What role does antibodies play in vaccine-mediated protection? How are B cells activated to secrete effective antibodies? Are antibody response important? If so, why?
  • What role do T cells play in vaccine-mediated protection? How are they activated? Which helper T cell subsets are required? Are T cell responses important? If so, why?
  • How do vaccines activate T and B cells response? What processes, steps are needed?
  • What role does adjuvants play in vaccine-mediated protection?
  • How is immune memory induced? How do primary and secondary immune responses differ?
  • Does understanding how the immune system functions help with designing vaccines? Why? How?
  • Use examples of vaccines to support the immunology discussion.


Reference no: EM133340464

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