Reference no: EM131463512
To stay competitive in the marketplace, businesses must process data into information and make sure that information is readily available to decision makers. For this, many businesses rely on a management information system (MIS). The purpose of an MIS is to provide managers with accurate, complete, and timely information so that they can perform their jobs as effectively as possible. Because an MIS must fit the needs of the firm it serves, these systems vary in the way they collect, store, update, and process data and present information to users.
Assignment: 1. Select a local company large enough to have an MIS. Set up an interview with the person responsible for managing the flow of information within the company.
2. Prepare a list of questions you will ask during the interview. Structure the questions around the five basic functions of an MIS. Some sample questions follow:
a. Collecting data. What types of data are needed? How often are data collected? What sources produce the data? How do you ensure that the data are accurate?
b. Storing data. How are data stored?
c. Updating data. c
d. Processing data. Can you show me some examples of the types of data that will be processed into information? How is the processing done?
e. Presenting information. Would you show me some examples (reports, tables, graphs, charts) of how the information is presented to various decision makers and tell me why that particular format is used?
3. At the end of the interview, ask the interviewee to predict how the system will change in the next three years.
4. In a report, describe what you believe the strengths and weaknesses of this firm's MIS are. Also describe the most important thing you learned from the interview.