What is the probability that the company will finish

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133441632

Question: A carpet company has been very concerned with the amount of time it took to complete several recent jobs. Some of the workers are very unreliable. A list of activities and their optimistic completion time, the most likely completion time, and their pessimistic completion time for a new contract are given in the following table: Activity Time (days) Immediate Predecessor (s) a m b - A 3 6 8 - B 2 4 4 - C 1 2 3 - D 6 7 8 C E 2 4 6 B,D F 6 10 14 A,E G 1 2 4 A,E H 3 6 9 F I 10 11 12 G J 14 16 20 C K 2 6 14 H,I a)Determine the total project completion time and the critical path for the project b)Determine ES, EF, LS, LF and slack for each activity c)What is the probability that the company will finish the project in 34 days or less?

Reference no: EM133441632

Questions Cloud

Create an example of images and statements : Create an example of images and statements that will appear in the campaign (please be reminded to use images from sources that allow free use, i.e. pixabay.com
How do regional security frameworks : Such as the African Union's Peace and Security Council, impact the effectiveness of international peacekeeping efforts in Africa? With Citations.
Describe the rivalry among your company existing : Describe the rivalry among your company's existing competitors (supplying engines to the automotive manufacturing industry).
Target audience for the campaign : Target audience for the campaign (think of persona of a target audience member you want to talk to persuade to think/feel/do something)
What is the probability that the company will finish : Determine ES, EF, LS, LF and slack for each activity What is the probability that the company will finish the project in 34 days or less?
Create market share analysis : Create market share analysis (based on the revenue of the industry and revenue of the competitors), include historical info - 3 years, and discussion on trends)
What will healthcare workforce positions be needed : What will healthcare workforce positions be needed to appropriately staff obesity service, including physicians and nurses, technicians, support staff
Explain feeding america operational model : explain Feeding America {an organization) Operational Model Based on the various operational models (e.g., entrepreneurial support model, market intermediary
Development of their own os system : Acquisition of technology or software that can increase the quality of products. Development of their own OS system instead of relying another companies system


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