What is the primary driver when budgeting capex

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Reference no: EM133531932


1 What is the primary driver when budgeting CapEx?

2 What is the primary driver when budgeting OpEx?

3 What is the primary driver when budgeting COGS?

4 Which account category is used for investments?

5 Which account category is used for overhead expenses like the HR and Finance department?

6 Which account category is used for raw material?

7 How are CapEx expenses shown on the Earnings Statement?

8 In addition to fixed and overhead costs, what other costs are included in OpEx costs?

9 What is another category besides Direct Labor that is included in COGS?

10 Which category of expenses is subject to property taxes?

11 Which category is sometimes referred to as Variable Cost?

12 Which category of costs is discretionary costs typically used to fund the business strategy?

Reference no: EM133531932

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