What is the price elasticity of demand

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13244491

1) If the price of a good is increased by 15% and the quantitydemanded changes by 20% then the price elasticity of demand isequal to:
a) 0.75
b) approximately -0.33
c) approximately -1.33
d) -1

Price Quantity demanded per period
$2.50 0
2.25 25
2.00 50
1.75 75
1.50 100
1.25 125
1.00 150
0.75 175
0.50 200

2) What is the price of elasticity of demand between $2.50 and$2.25?
a) -9
b) -19
c) indeterminate
d) none of the above

3) What is the price elasticity of demand between $2.25 and$2.00?

4) What is the price elasticity of demand between $2.00 and$1.75?
a) -2.33
b) -3.00
c) -4.00
d) none of the above

5) What is the price elasticity of demand between $1.75 and$1.50?
a) -0.42
b) -1.5
c) -1.86
d) none of the above

6) What is the price elasticity of demand between $1.50 and$1.25?
a) -1.00
b) -1.22
c) -1.50
d) -1.75

7) What is the price elasticity of demand between $1.25 and$1.00?
a) -0.60
b) -0.82
c) -1.0
d) -1.6

8) What is the price elasticity of demand between $1.00 and$0.75?
a) -0.54
b) -0.66
c) -0.75
d) -1.0

9) What is the price elasticity of demand between $0.75 and$0.50?
a) -0.25
b) -0.33
c) -0.43
d) -0.52

10) A men's tie store sold an average of 30 ties per day when theprice was $5 per tie but sold 50 of the same ties per day when the price was $3 per tie. Hence, the absolute value of the priceelasticity of demand is:
a) greater than zero but less than 1
b) equal to 1
c) greater than 1 but less than 3
d) greater than 3

11) A shirt manufacturer sold 10 dozen shirts per day when theprice was $4 per shirt but sold 15 dozen shirts per day when theprice was $3 per shirt. Hence, the absolute value of the priceelasticity of demand is:
a) greater than zero but less than 1
b) equal to 1
c) greater than 1 but less than 3
d) greater than 3

Reference no: EM13244491

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