What is the potential difference

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM134092


A small object with a mass of 420 mg carries a charge of 40.0 nC and is pending by a thread between the vertical plates of a parallel-plate capacitor. The plates are unconnected by 4.00 cm. If thread makes an angle of 13.0° with the vertical, what is potential difference between those plates?


The two vectors have equal magnitudes of 11.8 m and angles are θ1 = 27° and θ2 = 104°. Find out (a) x component and (b) y component of their vector sum, (c) the magnitude of, and (d) the angle makes with the positive direction of the x axis.


A 0.14- ball is placed in a shallow wedge with an opening angle of 160. For each contact point between the wedge and the ball, determine the force exerted on the ball. Suppose the system is frictionless. Conclude the Contact force 1.

Reference no: EM134092

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