What is the position of cantor and baum when it comes

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Reference no: EM133346019

Question 1. What is the position of Cantor and Baum when it comes to the rights of pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for emergency contraception? What is the strongest reason given in favor of allowing pharmacists to act on conscience, and the strongest reason given against it?

Question 2. Does it matter whether the professional is an employee or owner? Whether the professional workplace is a public school or government office, a corporate chain, or a private small business? Do religious objections have greater weight than secular, given freedoms of religion?

Question 3. What are some of your own moral convictions that you may find difficult to set aside in your intended profession? Can you anticipate times or situations that may create moral conflicts for you as a professional? Are there some things that you "will not do"?

Reference no: EM133346019

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