What is the portfolio dollar return and percentage return

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13334848

The table below shows your stock positions at the beginning of the year, the dividends that each stock paid during the year, and the stock prices at the end of the year.

 Company Shares Beginning of
Year Price
Dividend Per Share End of Year Price
  US Bank
$ 45.20
$ 2.23
$ 45.13



  JDS Uniphase


  Duke Energy




What is your portfolio dollar return and percentage return?

Reference no: EM13334848

Questions Cloud

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How many turns does the winding have : An air-filled toroidal solenoid has a mean radius of 14.0cm and a cross-sectional area of 6.80cm2. How many turns does the winding have
Explain how much n2 in liters will come out of blood : Using the perfect gas law, if the diver rapidly resurfaces to 1 atm of pressure, how much N2 in Liters will come out of their blood
Explain how the use of an activity-based costing system : Identify the problems that appear to exist in Ferguson and Son Manufacturing Company's budgetary control system and explain how the problems are likely to reduce the effectiveness of the system.
What is the portfolio dollar return and percentage return : The table below shows your stock positions at the beginning of the year, the dividends that each stock paid during the year, and the stock prices at the end of the year.
Compute the value of the mass : A mass sitting on a horizontal, frictionless surface is attached to one end of a spring; the other end is fixed to a wall. 3.4 J of work is required to compress the spring by 0.18 m. Find the value of the mass
Find force does the trailer exert on the car : A 2000kg truck pulls a 700 kg trailer. Starting from rest the truck begins accelerating with an acceleration of 4.5m/s^2. what force does the trailer exert on the car
Determine the speed of the lighter box : The drawing shows two boxes resting on frictionless ramps. One box is relatively light and sits on a steep ramp. determine the speed of the lighter box
Define the minimum ph at which cr(oh)3(s) will precipitate : In a particular solution, [Cr3+]=3.9x10-4 mol/L. What is the minimum pH at which Cr(OH)3(s) will precipitate from this solution. Assume the temperature is 25oC. For Cr(OH)3(s), Ksp=6.3x10-31 at 25oC. Give your answer with three digits


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