What is the point is of having a puerto rican representative

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Reference no: EM13197201

Puerto Rico elects, by popular vote, a resident commissioner to serve a four-year term as a nonvoting representative in the US House of Representatives; aside from not voting on the House floor, he enjoys all the rights of a member of Congress; elections last held 4 November 2008 (next to be held in November 2012); results - percent of vote by party - NA; seats by party - PNP 1

Course Hero Question - What do you think the point is of having a Puerto Rican representative in the House but not allowing that person the right to vote?

Reference no: EM13197201

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What is the point is of having a puerto rican representative : Puerto Rico elects, by popular vote, a resident commissioner to serve a four-year term as a nonvoting representative in the US House of Representatives; aside from not voting on the House floor, he enjoys all the rights of a member of Congress; el..
What is the point is of having a puerto rican representative : Puerto Rico elects, by popular vote, a resident commissioner to serve a four-year term as a nonvoting representative in the US House of Representatives; aside from not voting on the House floor, he enjoys all the rights of a member of Congress; el..
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