What is the ping command used for and how does it work

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131041201


- What is the ping command used for and how does it work?

- What is the difference between IPSec, SSL, and GRE VPNs?

Explain your position and be sure to include a real world example in your response. Be sure to include your cited your source(s) to support your position. Read all postings and respond to at least two other postings, following the guidelines for participation. This part of the discussion assignment is due by the end of the academic week to get credit. Again, remember to cite your sources.

Your answer should be well thought out (showing that you have engaged in some critical thinking about the subject matter) and be at the very least, 2 substantial paragraphs in content. Be sure to cite your sources. Failure to do so will result in a zero grade for the assignment.

Please note that Wikipedia is not a credible cited source. Feel free to go to Wikipedia to look up general information about your topic but no direct material listing "Wikipedia" as the source will be accepted.

One additional note of caution: Do not cut and paste directly from the Internet to the discussion forum. That is plagiarism, and, as a minimum, you will receive a grade of zero for the discussion assignment. Instead, summarize what you find in your own words. Remember to properly cite your sources. Read all postings and respond to at least two for minimal credit. These postings are due by the end of the academic week to get credit.

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Reference no: EM131041201

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Work breakdown structures : Assessment TitleWork breakdownTask Description Assignment Overview. This assessment item requires you to consider:-
What is the ping command used for and how does it work : What is the ping command used for and how does it work and what is the difference between IPSec, SSL, and GRE VPNs?
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