What is the payment for each winning bidder

Assignment Help Game Theory
Reference no: EM131205665

Q1. There are two firms 1 and 2, both producing the same kind of product. Firm i has two possible unit cost ciH and ciL, where ciH ≥ ciL > 0. Assuming that firm i produces qi units of the product and firm i's unit cost is ci ∈ {ciH, ciL}, i =1, 2, then the payoff of firm i is

ui(q1,c1,q2,c2) = (120 - q1 - q2 - ci) x qi.

Assume that c1H = 40, c1L = 40, c2H = 60, c2L = 20. Answer the following questions.

  • Assume that firm 1 knows that firm 2 will choose c2 = c2H. If both firms will simultaneously decide on the number of units to produce where firm i produces qi units of the product, what are the values of q1 and q2 that will form a Nash equilibrium? You need to show the derivations and the result.
  • Assume that firm 1 knows that firm 2 will choose c2 = c2H with probability 1/3, and choose c2 = c2L with probability 2/3. If both firms will simultaneously decide on the number of units to produce where firm 1 produces q1 units, and firm 2 produces q2H (q2L, respectively) units when its unit cost c2 is c2H (c2L, respectively), what are the values of q1, q2H and q2L that will form a Nash equilibrium? You need to show the derivations and the result.

Q2. Four bidders 1, 2, 3, and 4 bid for three items I1, I2, and I3 using VCG auction. We use wjk to denote bidder j's value for item k. Assume that w11 = 300, w12 = 200, w13 = 100; w21 = 310, w22 = 210, w23 = 110; w31 = 320, w32 = 220, w33 = 120; w41 = 330, w42 = 230, w43 = 130. Answer the following questions.

  • Which bidders are the winners in this auction? For each winning bidder, which item does it win?
  • What is the payment for each winning bidder?

Q3. This question is concerned with the paper, "Routing in Max-min Fair Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach", discussed in class (ICNP'2010).

  • Did the paper prove the existence of a Nash equilibrium?
  • Does the game have a unique Nash equilibrium?
  • In your view, what is the major contribution of this paper?
  • In your view, what is the major weakness of this paper?

Q4. This question is concerned with the paper, "Crowdsourcing to Smartphones: Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Phone Sensing", discussed in class (MobiCom'2012).

  • Did the paper prove the existence of a Stackelberg equilibrium?
  • Does the game have a unique Stackelberg equilibrium?
  • Is the auction designed in this paper a single auction or a double auction?
  • Does the auction guarantee that the number of winners is greater than zero?

Reference no: EM131205665

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