What is the overarching theme of the case

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133536052

Assignment: Unethical Behavior

Case Study: "Catherine is a new hire at a startup that produces LCD displays for large venues, such as shopping malls. Part of her job requires her to troubleshoot malfunctioning displays. One day, a shopping mall reported that two display units out of twelve had stopped working from their installation three months prior. The mall also noted serial and revision numbers on the two units were different from the rest of the units.

"At the job site, Catherine inspected the displays and realized her company had sold units that were from a bad batch (i.e., group of displays that did not have over 50% yield during manufacturing). Catherine wanted to tell the site why the units failed, but recognized that if she disclosed this information, the site would be eligible to receive replacement displays at no additional cost. On the other hand, if she blamed the failing units on a weaker cause, such as improper installation, her company would be able to charge the site for replacement units. Catherine knew her manager would want her to choose the option that would minimize the company's losses; however, she wanted to be honest with the site as they were one of the company's best customers" (Santa Clara University, 2015, par. 3).

In this response, explore Catherine's dilemma and include each of the following key areas:

Question 1) What is the ethical importance of this case study (e.g., ethics take precedence over medical advances, etc.)?

Question 2) What is the overarching theme of this case?

Question 3) Are you a proponent or opponent of this case? Why?

Question 4) Did the above case study do anything to change your awareness of ethical issues likely to arise in your profession or job? I work in Healthcare administration. Explain in detail. Provide scholarly references to support your response.

Question 5) Should Catherine say something immediately? Should she wait and tell the site why the units failed? Or should she just choose the option to minimize company losses?

Question 6) Did the ethical assessment foster any change in your understanding of the cost of doing business? If so, how? If not, why?

Question 7) In conclusion, summarize the key findings of this case.

Reference no: EM133536052

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