What is the outcome if the government provides to residents

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13224677

Consider an economy with two separate regions: A and B. There are 100 million workers in total who supply their labor inelastically. The demand for labor (in millions) in region A is EA = ??100 - 15 wA and in region B it is EB= ??100 - 15 wB.

a) Assume that initially ? = 1 and that the regional labor market has settled down to its long-run equilibrium. What are the equilibrium wages and employment levels in the two regions?

b) Now suppose that a positive demand shock strikes region A and that ? increases from ? = 1 to ? = 1.5.

i. Immediately after the shock, and before any migration takes place, what happens to the wages in the two regions?

ii. What is the new long-run equilibrium? How many workers migrate from region B to A?

iii. Suppose that, like the Chinese government, the authorities attempt to restrict internal migration by issuing mobility permits. What is the outcome if the government provides only 10 million permits to region B's residents?

Reference no: EM13224677

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