What is the os? what are the machines?

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13892470

As you might have noticed more material is needed for the chapter on threads. I need 7 pages papers extending the subject into the following areas:

*Pthreads in general - how implemented, how blocking is prevented.

*What thread options are available for the alpha machines?

*We know we have pthreads and should have the JVM.

*What is the hardware and software configuration of the alpha machines?

*What is the OS? What are the machines?

Please list references and do not plagiarize

I need the papers ASAP

Reference no: EM13892470

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Write a Review

Operating System Questions & Answers

  Implementation of algorithms for process management

The Shortest Job Next (SJN) algorithm queues processes in a way that the ones that use the shortest CPU cycle will be selected for running rst.

  Develop a user mode command interpreter

Develop a user mode command interpreter which support list-short.

  Memory allocation in operating system

Analysis and implementation of algorithms for memory allocation in operating system, Explain First- t and best- t methods are used in memory allocation in operating systems.

  Stand alone child process

Forking the child process

  Write a multi-threaded program

Write a multi-threaded program to solve producer and consumer problem

  Marginal and average cost curves

n a competitive market place (pure competition) is it possible to continually sell your product at a price above the average cost of production.

  Simulating operating systems scheduling

Simulate the long-term scheduler, the short-term scheduler and the I/O scheduler of the computer using the First-Come-First-Serve algorithm.

  Issues with trusted platform module

Research paper discussing the issues with Trusted Platform Module (TPM)


Explain a complication that concurrent processing adds to an operating system.

  Design and programming

Use the semaphore methods to control the concurrency of the solution

  Virtual machines

Virtual machines supported by a host operating system

  Discuss an application that benefits barrier synchronization

Discuss an application that would benefit from the use of barrier synchronization

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