What is the os reported by nmap of the target machine

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Reference no: EM133180632

HACK 2200 Hacking and Exploits - Durham college

Lab: Scanning and Enumeration


Scanning is one of the most important phases of intelligence gathering for an attacker. In the process of scanning, the attacker tries to gather information about the specific IP addresses that can be accessed over the Internet, the target's operating systems and system architecture, and the services running on each computer [1].

One of the tools used to conduct network scanning is Nmap ("Network Mapper"). It is a free and open-source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing. Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine:

• what hosts are available on the network,

• what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering,

• what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, and

• what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use.

It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, but works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems.

After scanning, we want to enumerate the network. Enumeration is usually the first step taken by a hacker to compromise a system. During enumeration, the attacker's objective is to identify valid user accounts or groups that will provide anonymity once the system has been compromised. Enumeration involves making active connections to the target system or subjecting it to direct queries.
In this lab we will explore:

Part 1 - Network Scanning Part 2 - Enumeration

Lab Setup
We will use the machines you preprated during the first week: 1- Kali Linux 2020.4 (KaliVM)
2- Metasploitable 3 Ubuntu (MS3UBUNTU)
3- Metasploitable 3 Windows Server 2008 (MS3WS2008)

Part 1 - Network Scanning

Step 1: Start the lab virtual machines

1. Start your Kali virtual machine (KaliVM), your Mestapolitable3 Windows Server 2008 machine (MS3WS2008), and Metaspolitable3 Ubuntu (MS3UBUNTU) machine.
2. Login to each machine, and take a note of each machine's IP address. Write the IP
addresses in your answer file.

Question 1 - What is the IP address of your KaliVM, MS3WS2008, and MS3UBUNTU? Write your answers in the answer file.

3. On your KaliVM, change the terminal prompt to be your first name. You can do that using the following command:
(kali@kali)-[~] PS1='[`date "+%D"`] yourfirstname [`date "+%r"`] -[~]'

Your terminal should look similar to the screen below:

All commands in the following tasks are to be run on your KaliVM, targeting your MS3WS2008 and MS3UBUNTU VMs.

Step 2: Scanning MS3WS2008 using nmap
We will use nmap to scan our target machines and find the services running on them:
1. On your KaliVM, scan the MS3WS2008 machine, using the IP address you obtained in the previous step:

KaliVM# sudo nmap -sS -sV -O [target IP address]
Take a screenshot to replace the one below, and place it under Screenshot#1 in the answer file.

We can see that there is a number of open ports and services on the target machine such as ftpd on port 21. These services may contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
Based on the results of your scan, answer the following questions:

Question 2 - What is the OS reported by nmap of the target machine?

Question 3 - List 5 of the running services with their version and the ports they are running on.

Step 3: Scanning MS3UBUNTU using nmap
Repeat Step 2 while targeting MS3UBUNTU machine.
Take a screenshot to replace the one below, and place it under Screenshot#2 in the answer file.

Based on the results of your scan, answer the following questions:

Question 4 - What is the OS reported by nmap of the target machine?

Question 5 - List 5 of the running services with their version and the ports they are running on.

Part 2 - Enumeration

Step 1: Enumerating users with snmp_enumusers
In this task, we will use the msfconsole on your KaliVM to run snmp_enumusers script .
1- Start an msf console, and change the console prompt:
KaliVM# msfconsole
Msf6> set PROMPT %yel%L %grn%T %grnyourfirstname

2- To use the snmp_enumusers script, run the following commands using MS3WS2008 as your target machine:

msfconsole# use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enumusers msfconsole# show options
msfconsole# set RHOSTS [target IP address] msfconsole# run

Take a screenshot to replace the one below, and place it under Screenshot#3 in the answer file.

Question 6 - List 3 user accounts that were found by the snmp_enumusers script Exit msfconsole.
Step 2: Repeat Step 1 while targeting MS3UBUNTU machine, but use enum4linux command instead running the following command in the kali linux terminal:
KaliVM# enum4linux Take a screenshot to replace the one below, and place it under Screenshot#4 in the answer file.

Question 7 - List 3 user accounts that were found by the enum4linux script

Attachment:- Scanning and Enumeration.rar

Reference no: EM133180632

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