What is the organization wants to become is called

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM131480219


Question 1
Marketing is the Process of:
promoting products through personal selling and advertising to facilitate satisfying exchange relationships
creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing products to facilitate satisfying exchange relationships with customers in a dynamic environment
delivering a standard of living to a society
creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing goods, services, and ideas to facilitate the achievement of the firm's objectives
focusing on the customer's needs

Question 2
The focal point of all marketing activities is:
target markets

Question 3
A target market
involves a large numbers of customers
is a specific group of customers on whom a company focuses its marketing efforts
already has several competitors vying for the customers' business
is the same as the saleperson's client list
is a customer group that includes persons with similar demographic characteristics

Question 4
The marketing mix
consists of a target market
is difficult for an organization to control
directly affects the marketing environment
focuses mainly on selling activities and advertising decisions
includes product, distribution, promotion, and pricing decisions

Question 5
A physical, concrete product you can touch is a(n)

Question 6
The forces of the marketing environment are
sociocultural,legal,regulatory,economic, and competitive
competitive and noncompetitive forces that affect most lifestyles
political, legal, regulatory, sociocultural, technological, economic, and competitive
fairly static
legal,regulatory,political, and sociocultural

Question 7
The marketing plan is
a plan of all aspects of an organization's strategy
written for each SBU
designed to take into account not only marketing, but all other functional areas of a business unit as well
a written document detailing the activities to be performed to implement and control marketing activities
updated only periodically

Question 8
The strategic planning process begins with
development of an organizational mission
development of a marketing strategy
analysis of marketing objectives
development of a marketing plan
analysis of the marketing environment

Question 9
A competitive advantage exists when
a firm does something better than its competitors
a firm matches a core competency to opportunities it has discovered in the marketplace
the right combination of circumstances and timing allow a firm to reach a particular target market
a firm has a marketing plan
a firm observes a temporary period of optimum fit between the key requirements of a market and its own capabilities

Question 10
A long-term view, or vision, of what the organization wants to become is called a
mission statement
purpose statement
vision statement
marketing plan
strategic vision

Question 11
To monitor changes in the marketing environment effectively, marketers must engage in
use of the marketing concept
environmental scanning and analysis
information collection
marketing research
environmental management

Question 12
In its advertisements for Bud Light Beer, Anheuser-Busch has included a statement about "knowing when to say when." This is an example of which one of the following types of regulatory forces affecting marketing efforts?
Federal regulation
City regulation
Social reputation
State regulation

Question 13
The three factors that influence the ethical decision-making process include
individual factors, organizational culture, and peer influence
opportunity, personal moral philosophies, and situational variables
individual factors, organizational factors, and opportunity
societal forces, laws, and organizational factors
peer influences, personal moral philosophies, and opportunity

Question 14
Marketing research is BEST defined as
the framework for the day-to-day management and structuring of information gathered by marketers
a continuous gathering of data for an organization to make marketing decisions
the collecting of data from secondary sources and internal documents
an intuitive process for making decisions based on personal knowledge and experience
the systematic design, collection, interpretation, and reporting of information to help marketers solve specific marketing problems or take advantage of market opportunities

Question 15
When more information is needed about a problem and the tentative hypothesis needs to be made more specific, marketers usually conduct
descriptive research
causal research
exploratory research
analytical statistical research
syndicated research

Question 16
If Georgia-Pacific seeks information about trends in housing starts around the country and uses U.S. Department of Commerce reports to get this information, it is using which kind of data?

Question 17
An aggregate of people who, as individuals or as organizations, have needs for products in a product class and who have the ability, willingness, and authority to purchase such products is called a(n)
marketing mix
customer survey

Question 18
Markets fall into two categories. These categories are
consumer and customer
organizational and business-to-business
homogenous and heterogenous
customer segments and client segments
consumer and organizational

Question 19
The process of dividing a total market into market groups so that persons within each group have relatively similar product needs is called
target marketing

Question 20
As Stan is shopping for groceries, he notices a product on the shelf and remembers that he is about to run out of it at home. In terms of the consumer buying decision process, Stan just experienced
postpurchase evaluation
information search
evaluation of alternatives
problem recognition

Question 21
If McDonald's uses a segmentation strategy for its sandwiches based on characteristics such as age, gender, or income, it is using which group of segmentation variables?

Question 22
The primary psychological influences on consumer behavior are
attitudes, perception, retention, exposure, roles, and lifestyles
perception, motives, learning, attitudes, personality, and lifestyles
attitudes, perception, social class, culture, and learning
perception, motives, reference groups, social class, and personality
lifestyles, personality, perception, motives, attitudes, and culture

Question 23
An open aggregate of people with similar social ranking is referred to as a
reference group
social class

Question 24
Individuals and business organizations that purchase products for the purpose of making a profit either by using the products to produce other products or by using them in their operations are classified as
consumer markets
institutional markets
producer markets
government markets
reseller markets

Question 25
Retailers like Wal-Mart and Kmart are considered to be members of which organizational market?

Reference no: EM131480219

Questions Cloud

Understanding how competitive forces shape strategy : Over 30 years ago Michael Porter identified a holistic approach to understanding how competitive forces shape strategy.
Law firms client has received a set of interrogatories : Your law firm's client has received a set of interrogatories and a request for production of documents in the mail.
How would you interpret the slope coefficients in regression : Suppose you regress the log of the wage rate on the logs of education and experience and the dummy variables for gender, race, and union status.
Explain why money is neutral in the long run : Explain why money is neutral in the long run but not in the short run.
What is the organization wants to become is called : Wwhat the organization wants to become is called a? To monitor changes in the marketing environment effectively, marketers must engage in.
How do they affect one another : What is the difference between m1,m2, and m3 money supply and how do they affect one another?
How does its central bank prevent the yuan : How does China's trade surplus with America put pressure on its currency (the Yuan or RMB) to rise. How does its central bank prevent the Yuan (RMB).
Define the semi log model of wages : Besides the variables included in the wage regression in Tables and, what other variables would you include?
Has the dollar depreciated or appreciated against the krona : 1. The U.S. dollar price of a Swedish krona changes from $0.1572 to $0.1730.


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