What is the organization from which the information comes

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133441866


Directions: We live in the digital era and have access to an overwhelming amount of information every day. Many of us rely on internet search engines like Google to find answers to our day-to-day questions. We are also exposed to much news and information through various social media platforms. Much of this information we receive is health-related. Unfortunately, not all health information we encounter is correct. In fact, the internet is flooded with incorrect and fake health information. While some of the misinformation is harmless, others could be dangerous. As future health professionals, you must train your ability to differentiate credible health information from fake news and misinformation.

Let's first review some principles regarding credible online health information. Ask yourself the following:

1. What's the organization from which the information comes? In general, .gov is more credible than .org and.com. Websites under national research institute such as NIH is more trustworthy. Renowned organizations such as Mayo Clinic are also more credible.

2. Does the website contain advertisements for supplements or medications? In-planted ads are usually warning signs - unless the site has a disclaimer telling you that they do not endorse any products and the ads are run by an algorithm.

3. Peer-review journal articles are usually considered credible. However, not all research is of good quality. Here are some simple ways to ensure the research result is credible

  • The article should at least be included in PubMed.
  • Look up the funding agency to make sure there are no obvious conflicts of interest (e.g., a research article claiming chocolate is good for heart health that was funded by the Chocolate manufacturer might not be the most unbiased study).
  • When it comes to human health, studies that involved large-scale clinical trials are better than ones that were only tested on animals or cell levels. Studies using large sample sizes are more convincing than small sample sizes.
  • Don't just believe one research article. Look up several research articles (both supporting and rejecting the conclusion) and compare before believing.

4. When the information comes from blogs or news articles, always validate the references. When the article says: according to recent research, does it actually provide the link to the original research article? Also, it's a good idea to briefly read through the cited article to ensure the conclusions are consistent with that in the news/blog article.

This is not part of the assignment, but here are a couple of interesting websites that are dedicated to clarifying misinformation from fake news (including health-related information). You don't need to visit the sites now, but I encourage you to save the links and take a look later.

McGill Office for Science and Society (OSS) | separating sense from nonsense.

Science-based medicine | Exploring issues & controversies in science & medicine

And finally, here is what you need to do for this forum assignment

  1. Share health information you found, encountered, or received recently. It could be a news/blog article or something you've heard from another person.
  2. Follow the above principles to look up additional information from credible sources and determine if the information from 1 is credible or fake.

Reference no: EM133441866

Questions Cloud

Difference between catabolism and anabolism : Identify organisms based on their carbon and energy sources: photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs, and chemoheterotrophs.
Differences between a lytic-lysogenic life cycle for a virus : What are the major differences between a lytic and lysogenic life cycle for a virus? Is there a particular advantage to one or the other? Explain.
Describe the organisms based on clinical significance : Describe each of the organisms based on clinical significance. Include how each correlates with gastrointestinal infections.
What would be consequence of leaving a stain on for too long : In a simple stain what would be the consequence of leaving a stain on for too long? What would be the result if you did not leave the stain on long enough?
What is the organization from which the information comes : What's the organization from which the information comes? In general, .gov is more credible than .org and.com.
Why is controls in a polymerase chain reaction : Explain why it is important to include both positive and negative controls in a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) reaction.
What is phenol red : What is phenol red, how was it used in the experiments? What is a durham tube, how was it used in the experiments?
Example of where in nature could transformation be occurring : Example of where in "nature " could transformation be occurring and possibly lead to transfer of genetic information that makes a pathogen more harmful?
What are its active ingredients : How does Cephalexin antibiotic control the growth of unwanted microbes in human body? What are its active ingredients?


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