What is the one food-related regulation

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131596604

Exam Instructions: This exam is designed to measure your understanding of concepts that were discussed in class lecture, course readings, and using Wikipedia and the embedded web links.

You are free to consult these materials and your colleagues when preparing your answers to questions below, but please the words you choose for your answers should be your own.

Each question is equally weighted and I expect about 1/2 to a page in length, per answer (average 2/3 page), for a total of about 5-6 pages in length. Answer any 5 questions. Please put your name on exam and file name. Exam is due on D2L.

Answer any 5 of the 6 following questions:

1. If you had unilateral power, what is the one food-related regulation that you would impose - or abolish? Why would you take this action? What would be the impact on both consumers and business? And...if you happen to be a citizen/resident of a country other than the US, please feel free to put your answer in the context of that nation's regulatory framework.

2. Do you think that the US government should allow the Amazon acquisition of Whole Foods to go through? Why or why not? And please explain what you think the impact of this deal, assuming it is completed, will be on both consumers and business.

3. Tell us three things that you did not know about retail and CPG marketing that you did not know before you took this class, but have learned from our assortment of guest speakers.

4. What has changed about the consumer's decision journey as described in the readings from the way consumers used to shop and what are some marketing implications for reimagining the American supermarket for the future? (Refer to the readings/speakers in your answers)

5. In the class lecture it was stated that market penetration is a key to success for CPG products.
What are the two requirements described in the lecture to achieve high market penetration rates and how is the "Law of double jeopardy" related? (Use your notes and if you want Wikipedia).

6. What are the top business career opportunities according to US News and World Report for 2015 in Marketing? Of the skills reported as most important for interviewers for marketing hires which are your top 3 strengths? Which are the 3 you need to work on the most? Why is it important to develop a marketing plan for yourself for life after school?


Reference no: EM131596604

Questions Cloud

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Creates a list of integers : Modify the List class of Figure 21.3 in the textbook to include a method that recursively searches a linked-list for a specified value.
Clinical record standards for the selected setting : Within the Conditions, locate the medical or clinical record standards for the selected setting.
Suggest key insights that may be gained by the administrator : Suggest two key insights that may be gained by the administrator in regard to the performance of the organization. Provide support for your rationale.
What is the one food-related regulation : If you had unilateral power, what is the one food-related regulation that you would impose - or abolish? Why would you take this action?
What is metapro direct labor cost variance for august : MetaPro Systems is a start-up company that makes connectors for high-speed Internet connections. What is MetaPro's direct labor cost variance for August
Troubleshooting of complex eigrp networks : Explain and demonstrate competence in the configuration and troubleshooting of complex EIGRP networks
Calculate the variable overhead cost variance for tradiant : Radiant Systems allocates manufacturing overhead based on machine hours. Calculate the variable overhead cost variance for tRadiant
Write a class called trafficviolations : Write a Java program that can be used to calculate and notify violators of the fines and/consequences for road traffic breaches as shown in the schedule


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