What is the nursing diagnosis for this patient

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Reference no: EM133444202

Question: Mr. Whaley is a 65-year-old man with a history of COPD who is admitted to the hospital for a productive cough with green sputum and shortness of breath for the last 3 days. He reports that he has had several chest colds in the last few years, but this time it won't go away. He complains of dyspnea when he takes a deep breath. His wife says he has been feverish for a few days but doesn't have a specific temperature to report. He reports smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 25 years plus the occasional cigar.

Upon further assessment, Mr. Whaley has crackles and diminished lung sounds throughout the lower lobes of his lungs, with expiratory wheezes throughout the lung fields. His vital signs are as follows:

BP 142/86 mmHg HR 102 bpm

RR 32 bpm Temp 101°F

SpO2 86% on room air

The nurse places the patient on 2 lpm oxygen via nasal cannula as prescribed in the orders. The nurse then repeats the SpO2 and finds Mr. Whaley's SpO2 is only 89%. They increase his oxygen to 4 lpm, recheck and notes an SpO2 of 95%. The nurse reports to the provider that the patient was short of breath and hypoxic, but sats are now 95% and he is resting. He is alert and oriented x 3.

The provider has prescribed a sputum culture, antibiotics, CPT and Tylenol for the fever.

What is the nursing diagnosis for this patient?

Reference no: EM133444202

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