What is the number of elementary steps in algorithm

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM132084460

What is the number of elementary steps in the following algorithm?

Then, what is the total number of elementary steps in this algorithm? Algorithm: Fibonacci sequence Input: Integer i indicating position in the sequence

1. Create new list.

2. Insert 0 into the first position in the list.

3. Insert 1 into the second position in the list.

4. For each integer n from 2 to i: (a) Add the previous two numbers inserted into the list.

(b) Insert this new number into the list.

Output: The last number inserted into the list. This number is in position i of the Fibonacci sequence. Show me your work.?

What is the number of elementary steps in the following algorithm? Then, what is the total number of elementary steps in this algorithm?

Algorithm: Fibonacci sequence Input: Integer i indicating position in the sequence

1. Create new list.

2. Insert 0 into the first position in the list.

3. Insert 1 into the second position in the list.

4. For each integer n from 2 to i: (a) Add the previous two numbers inserted into the list.

(b) Insert this new number into the list.

Output: The last number inserted into the list. This number is in position i of the Fibonacci sequence. Show me your work.

Reference no: EM132084460

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