What is the note about loretta swits character in mash

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13751156

TV Land Data Base


Order the shows by their locales

What is the note about Loretta Swit's character in MASH?

List the shows by the Network they were on.

List the shows by Genre.

List the shows that took place in "New York"

What actresses played housewives and what were the shows named?

Who were the two leading men who played the leading role in Bewitched?

List the actors by show, by Network. That is all shows from each Network, with all actors in each show. Network, Show, Actor

List all the roles who were surgeons and the actors who played them.

What two TV shows had a character Rhoda Morgenstern and what network were they on?

Attachment:- data base.accdb

Reference no: EM13751156

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