What is the next byte that host 1 is expected

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13942595

A TCP entity in Host 1 receives a segment from a corresponding TCP entity in Host 3. The received segment has the following header field values set: sequence number = 245553231, acknowledgment number = 45838821, A bit = 1,
P bit = 1, U bit = 1, window size field = 1000, urgent pointer field = 5000. In addition, the segment has no options and contains 2000 bytes of data.

a. What is the range of sequence numbers for the 2000 incoming bytes contained within the segment?

b. What is the next byte that Host 1 is expected to send to Host 3 on this TCP connection?

c. What is the range of bytes that Host 1 is permitted to send to Host 3 on this connection?

d. What should Host 1 do with the 2000 data bytes contained within the segment?

e. Is the TCP entity in Host 1 operating in urgent mode or normal mode on this connection?

f. If the TCP entity in Host 1 is operating in urgent mode on this connection, then at what sequence number will the TCP entity in Host 1 return to normalmode on this connection? Ignore sequence number wrap around.

Reference no: EM13942595

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