What is the newest instrument of monetary policy

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM13218167

1- What happens if you count both final and intermediate goods?

2- What is counted in the expenditure approach ?

3- What is the largest component in the expenditure approach ?

4- What things are included in the government sector ?

5- What is included in investment ?

6- What is the difference between GNP and NNP ?

7- What is GDP ?

8- What is included in the financial accounts in international trade ?

9- A change in foreign reserves shows up in which account ?

10- How do we get the PPI?

11- Be able to interpret a GNP deflator from one year to the next ?

12- How often is GDP data published ?

13- Do current price indexes overstate or understate inflation ?

14- What were wildcat bankers ?

15- How many fed banks are there ?

16- What is fractional reserve banking ?

17- Which part of the fed buys and sells U.S. govt securities ?

18- In what year was the fed founded ?

19- What is the discount rate ?

20- How to banks create money ?

21- How many people are on the board of governors ?

22- What are open market operations ?

23- If the fed buys a security what happens to the money supply ?

24- What is meant by fiat money ?

25- Define fiscal policy ?

26- What defines a bank ?

27- What do we mean by the term fed ?

28- Define checking deposits ?

29- Define originate to hold banking ?

30- Define credit risk ?

31- Define market risk ?

32- Define liquidity risk ?

33- Define originate to distribute ?

34- Define securitization ?

35- What is fannie mae ?

36- What is a credit default swap?

37- What are subprime loans ?

38- Who is the lender of last resort for banks?

39 Define TARP?

40 How did the financial crisis of 2008 happen ?

41 Define saving account ?

42 What is the equation of exchange ?

43 If the money supply rises , what must happen to GNP under the equation of exchange ?

44 What is the most important form of money in the U.S. ?

45 What is the most important instrument of monetary policy?

46 Define federal funds rate ?

47 What causes increases in bank reserves ?

48 What is the least used instrument of monetary policy ?

49 What is the newest instrument of monetary policy ?

50 What are the basic functions of money ?

Reference no: EM13218167

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