What is the navigation pane

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133398226


1. How would you describe Microsoft Outlook?

2. Using a brief statement, what is the Navigation Pane, and why is it important?

3. Take a screenshot of Customizing Mail Options and paste it below (Add screenshot).

4. Generate a new email (To, Subject, and Message to be designed). Change the email format to Plain text. Do not send. Paste below (Add screenshot).

5. Besides attachments, what are some other items that can be included in an email message?

6. Take a screenshot of where you would read/view messages. Paste below (Add screenshot).

7. What steps would you take to "save" an email? Take a screenshot and paste it below (Add screenshot).

8. Generate a new style in Outlook, title the style with your first name, and stylize with any font you wish to use regularly.

Reference no: EM133398226

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