What is the nature of trans-saharan trade

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131032794


Directions: Read the questions below and write a response of at least two paragraphs in length. Each paragraph must consist of 5 to 7 sentences. Your answers should provide strong examples and details from the textbook.

1. What is the nature of trans-Saharan trade, and how did it affect West African society?

2. What made possible the spread of Islam, and what forms of government were established to rule Muslim lands?

3. How were the Muslim lands governed from 900 to 1400 C.E., and what new challenges did rulers face?

4. What social distinctions were important in Muslim society?

5. Why did trade thrive in Muslim lands?

6. What new ideas and practices emerged in the arts, sciences, education, and religion?

7. How did Africa's geography shape its history and contribute to its diverse population, languages, and explain how has this fueled the debate over who is African?

8. How did settled agriculture affect life among the early societies in the western Sudan and among the Bantu-speaking societies of central and Southern Africa?

PART II: Journal

Directions: The purpose of the journal is to actively engage in self-learning and opportunities to clarify and reflect upon your thinking of world history in different ways. Further, the journal is intended to help the student gain writing fluency knowledge and creativity in doing so. You should express your ideas and feelings, special terms, and expressions heard and used to convey historical knowledge and events. You not only be graded on the content of your journaling activities, but on the completion of the assignment and writing skills required for each journal activity assignment.

Write a minimum of 3 paragraphs that consist of at least 7 sentences for each of the following questions:

1. People come to the U.S. from foreign countries because...

2. If I wanted to live outside the U.S., I would live in...

3. I think studying cultural diversity is important because...

Reference no: EM131032794

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