What is the nature of reality

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Reference no: EM13890679

Which is writing 13 daily journals each journal 7 to 8 sentences in the end of each journal u have to write your philosophical opinion based on the ideiaology somehow-

Philosophy Proper

Metaphysics - Inquiry into reality; ask what is reality? What is the nature of reality?

Epistemology - Inquiry into knowledge; asks how do we know what we know?

Ethics - inquiry into morality/right and wrong (virtue and vice).

Logic - inquiry into propositions and language

Aesthetics - inquiry into beauty and the good

Religion - inquiry into religious experience and the nature of religious symbols.

Political and Social Philosophy - inquiry into society and the role of the individual in society.

Worldview - way in which a person/community takes up the world.
- Norms - customs, traditions: Socially accepted ideas, beliefs of what should and should not be done.
- Value(s) - instrumental; sentimental; intellectual; moral
- Symbols/Symbolic Imagination

o No pure experience qua experience. All experience is mediated under certain symbols.

Epistemological Starting Point tend to be more "naturalistic"; empiricist (knowledge grounded in experience).

Metaphysical starting point tend to be more "rationalistic"; knowledge is based on ideas. More open to traditional THEISM.

Allegory of the Cave

Plato (459 BCE) - Early Athens/Greece
Platonic Metaphysics
- Emphasis is on Education

o What is education?
  Knowledge of the Good/Forms.
• Forms/Universal Ideas already in the Soul
• Soul exists in the world of Forms prior to being born in the world of Flux.

o Two Worlds Thesis
  Heraclitus - Empiricism
• World of Flux - Life inside the Cave- unenlightened

o Impermanence
  Nothing stays the same
  World around us is real
  Parmenides - rationalism
• World of Forms - Life outside the Cave-Enlightenment

o Ideas are real
  Plato Marries these two perspectives
• Sides more with Parmenides
o Ideas are real; eternal; unchanging.

o World of flux is more illusionary.
  Plato is more rationalist than empiricist
• Dualism - marrying of two opposing views

o Metaphysical
  Two dimensions/realms of reality in which positive value is assigned to one and negative value is assigned to the other.
• Allegory of Cave is example of this

o Substance
  Object has two substances one opposing the other; positive value is assigned to one substance and negative value is assigned to the other.
• Flesh vs Spirit is an example of this

o Knowledgeof the Good is "Good"

o Ignorance is Evil
  Is there such a thing as altruism? Or are people really just egoistic/self-centered and only out for their own good?
• If the latter, Socrates argues there are no good people.

o His position is that there are good people. Good people are those who have cultivated proper habits of excellence and do good regardless of external circumstances.
  Leads to Either/Or Thinking
- Argument by Analogy

Value of Philosophy
Bertrand Russell
- No definite answers
- What can be known
- About questions rather than answers
- Living with a Sense of possibility

o Faith

o Imagining the way the world can be
  Only based on the way the world is.
  Sense of time (time consciousness - past, present, future).
- Dogmatic assurance - this is the enemy.

o Attitude
  Being RIGHT!!
• Others are Wrong

o Enemy because
  Completely closes conversation
  Impediment to good reasoning
• Laziness in thinking
- Intellectual imagination

o Philosophy opens us up to "the more" of experience.
- Unity with the Universe

o Being a part of the more; a part of something larger.
  Dogmatist in the end is solitary
• No desire to be tolerant an open minded
• Misunderstands the point of Argument analysis
• Has misconceptions of Truth and Rationality
• Ultimately, uses argument stoppers rather than engaging in discourse.

o Examples of argument stoppers.

  "Who's to say ....?"
  "That's subjective."
  "I would prefer not to think about what you said."
  "I'm going to believe what I've always believed."

Reference no: EM13890679

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