Reference no: EM133334207
Case Study: I want you to create a theater production so get yourself in the mindset of a producer or a content creator so once you come up with an idea and it could be a really presentation of an existing idea that could be a totally new idea it could be a film made into a play it can't be a play made into a film where do we're asking you for an idea for a stage production one you're going to tell me the name of your production and that's just the title then two through 5 they've got to be a minimum of 100 words each #2 tell me your idea what is your idea for a production is it Romeo Juliet presented at the beach is that a modern thing and just give me fully kind of flushed out description of your idea and then #3 fully describe what's going to be unique if you're going to do Romeo and Juliet at the beach why would that idea be great to do how would you do it what's unique about it which then leads me to question #4 who's going to come and see it and that's asking you to fully describe what kind of audience would your theater production reach and how would you see that happening and Lastly the physicality of it how would you present or bring your production to life would you put it on the stage which you put in a bus which you tour it would it be in a proscenium round thrustor environmental space how would you create the physical production that you want to do so this is a creative assignment have fun with it but don't forget to give me the detail as if you're trying to tell me your idea just saying the idea alone is not going to be enough you've got to really paint the picture and let me know what you're trying to achieve and if you have any questions of course let me know
Questions: This is a creative question: I want you to create an idea USING APPROPRIATE FORMAT AND SUBHEADINGS WITHIN EACH PARAGRAPH. for a new theatrical STAGE production. This can be either a new version (revival) of something already done or a brand new concept. It can be a musical or stage play. It CANNOT BE A FILM. You will act as the producer: LABEL EACH 1-5. (for 2-5) responses of at least 100 words each.
Please answer all prompts in your own thoughts and words and outlined format. Don't forget to state the question and put your answer below it.
1. TITLE: What is the name of your theatre production?
2. IDEA: FULLY Describe the theatre production idea.
3. CONCEPT: FULL DESCRIBE what would be unique about your theatre production?
4. DEMOGRAPHICS: FULLY DESCRIBE what kind of audience would your theatre production reach?
How would you bring your theatre production to life. Think about all the roles we have discussed, the writers (book), the composer (score), the director, the designers, performers and audience. How would you stage it?