What is the name of the supplement or ergogenic aid

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133411385


1. What is the name of the supplement / ergogenic aid and what company manufactures it?
2. List supplement ingredients. What are the active ingredients in the supplement / ergogenic aid?
3. Cost of supplement / ergogenic aid and where can you purchase it?
4. Health / performance claims and what population is it suggested for use?
5. Instruction, warning information, and potential side effects.
6. Research based information supporting or disputing the effectiveness of this supplement / ergogenic aid. Cite at least one scientifically based study related to the  supplement active ingredients.
7. Are any of these substance / ingredients banned in athletic competition? Which ones? Which athletic organizations have banned these substances?
8. Personal evaluation of the supplement / ergogenic aid based on research based information.
9. Copy of nutritional facts and picture of the supplement / ergogenic aid.

Reference no: EM133411385

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