What is the name of the indian residential school

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133422962


Refer the link below to answer the questions. Answer all parts of the question with five supporting details/ examples to receive full marks. Have a minimum of 5 references/sources to support this assignment submission. Two of those references must be Indigenous.

  1. What was the name of the survivor who you have chosen for this assessment? Please explain why you have chosen this particular survivor's story for this project. What did you learn about the survivor whose story you are researching?
  2. What is the name of the Indian Residential School (IRS) this survivor attended? Did the IRS have more than one name? Where was this IRS located? What years was this IRS operational? If this IRS did operate in multiple locations, please list those years as well. What happened to the building after it closed?
  3. What church, religious Order or other organization operated this IRS? What can you learn about this Church, Order or organization? Was it operated by more than one church or organization? If yes, what years was it operated by each church or group? Has this Church issued an apology for it is involvement in the IRS system?
  4. What was the cultural background of the children who attended this IRS, or what Indigenous communities did the children come from? What was a typical day like for these children at the IRS, be specific (ex: activities, chores, classroom time, sports, meals)?
  5. What were the conditions like at this IRS? How many children died in this IRS? Is there evidence of unmarked graves related to this IRS?
  6. Please find two images related to this IRS and provide a brief statement describing what the images are about. Be sure to CITE your images


Reference no: EM133422962

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