Reference no: EM131267110
Society, Time, & Archaeolo
Chapter Four: Domestication
1) What is meant by the Neolithic? When does it occur?
2) What is artificial selection and how does it differ from natural selection?
3) Is domestication o conscious or unconscious process?
4) Know the theories of why domestication occurs (pg. 185-188)
5) What are primary domesticates and where are they first domesticated?
6) Why is teosinte and beans so important to the New World? Where ore these plants first domesticated?
7) Be able to identify two student presentations (not discussed in class and not yours) a civilizations for the exam.
General Concepts
Review your levels of social organization. (pg. 27-31)
What are the theories of why the state formed? (pg. 483-486)
Chapter Five: Native North Americans
1) Where is Poverty Point and why is it important?
2) Where is Hopewell and why is it important?
3) How has genetics helped shape our understanding of social organization?
4) What Hopewell a chiefdom? Why or why not?
5) What allowed Cahokia to become the biggest North American settlement?
6) Was Cahokia a chiefdom? Why or why not?
7) The Hohokam in the Southwest relied on what type of forming?
8) What is the famous Hohokam site?
9) How do we know that the Hohokam interacted with Mesoamerican civilization
10) What was the purpose of Chaco Canyon?
11) What is the name of the ceremonial structure at Chaco?
12) Was Chaco Canyon a chiefdom?
Chapter Six: Ancient Mesoamerica
1) What does the name Mesoamerica refer to?
2) Why is Son Jose Mogote important to the rise of civilizations?
3) What sporting event is created here?
4) Where is the Olmec civilization located?
5) What major invention is associated with the Olmec?
6) What is the architecture like among the Olmec?
7) What did the Olmec eat?
8) The Zapotec are associated with what major site?
9) How did this site come to power? Peacefully?
10) What is the first major settlement of the Mayans?
11) How did Mayans eat and how did they alter the land to make it fertile?
12) What was writing primarily used for by the Mayans?
13) Know the calendar systems and how their numerical system worked.
14) What is the importance of the number 13?
15) What was the relationship of the many Mayan cities?
16) What was the last major city of the Mayan Post-Classic?
17) What was the first major city of the Teohaucan Valley?
18) What is the major site associated with the Toltecs?
19) What was the capital city of the Aztecs?
20) Where is the capital in relation to present day Mexico?
21) What was the gardening technology associated with the Aztecs?