What is the most likely clinical diagnosis

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131522061

A sixty-five-year-old female is brought in to the ER by her husband. Earlier in the morning, she fell while getting out of the shower. In the ER, she complains in her right hip and right wrist. She is an active woman, healthy and has no documented medical illness. she does not take any vitamins or supplements and she denies any history of hormone replacement therapy. she became post menopausal at the age of thirty-eight. she is thin, 5' 1" in height, and weighs 100lbs.

1. What is the most likely clinical diagnosis?

2. What is the etiology/pathogenesis of this condition?

3. What are the risk factors associated with this condition?

4. List the clinical presentation

5. List the imaging modalities that may assist you in diagnosing treating this condition

6. What treatments are currently a available to treat or minimize the effects of this condition?

Reference no: EM131522061

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