Reference no: EM131037043
Interview a finance manager:
List of questions:
1 How do your personal values play a role in your job? Have you ever been faced with a difficult decision which was in conflict with your personal values?
2 What is the most challenging aspect of your position?
3 What are the biggest stressors in your work life? How do you deal with them? Does the organization provide any form of assistance?
4 How much do you think about your job even when you are not at work?
5 What makes you proud of your job? What makes you proud of your organization?
6 How have you improved as a manager over the years?
7 What is your greatest achievement in the past 3-5 years?
8 What do you think sets you apart from other managers/leaders in the business world?
9 What type of hiring process do you use? Do you look for some typical characteristics in people when hiring? What do you think is the best interview question a manager can ask a job candidate?
10 What type of training do employees receive?
11 What do you think sets you apart from other leaders in the business world?
12 How would you describe your work?
13 What are some of the things that you particularly like about your work?
14 What boosts your motivation at work?
15 If you have ever experienced a period of low motivation, can you identify things that might have contributed to your losing steam at your work?
16 As a manager, what is the most important quality?
17 How to keep the profits distribution balanced between the manager and employee.
18 In your experience,could you talk about your views on the industry status and the vision of the future?
19 What kind oftalent does your company need now?
20 How do you deal with the difficult when your personal values were in conflict with yourorganization's culture?
21 Do you think your education and training in your company has a unique advantage and how to develop it?
22 As a middle manager, how to get along with your boss so that you can satisfy your bigger achievement?
23 What is the most challenge of your job?How do you overcome it?
24 When you find your leader made a mistake, would you like to point it out?
25 Have you been satisfied withyour company's welfare system?
Memo questions:
What makes you proud of your job?
What makes you proud of your organization?
a. Who is the person (brief background information)?
b. When did you interview him/her? How did the interview go?
a. What was the most interesting/surprising thing you discovered about the person?
b. What is the single most important thing you learned from this person?
c. If you were going to use this person to illustrate a concept in class, which chapter would best fit with a discussion of him/her and why?