What is the mission jesus is sent

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Reference no: EM131608380

This project will take the form of a paper analyzing certain aspects of the Christology and soteriology/discipleship concepts in the Gospel of John.

Part 1

Find references in John related to the idea of "sending." Jesus speaks of it often, referring to God, himself, and his disciples. Compile a list of those verses/passages where this concept is discussed in the Gospel of John. Now make two lists that include the following:

Those verses about sending that refer to Jesus and his nature and mission

Those verses that refer to the disciples, especially in their role and mission as disciples

Part 2

Using the lists you have developed in addition to your investigation, discuss these features of John's presentation of the sent one/sent ones (in a paper of 1,000-1,250 words).

Summarize the key historical facts about the Gospel of John.

Who is doing the sending? What is significance of the use of the action of sending in this concept of Jesus and his disciples?

The sending is done from where to where? Where is Jesus/the disciples sent from and sent to? Elaborate on this picture.

What is the mission Jesus is sent on-the mission of the disciples? Elaborate on what John (and Jesus as recorded by John) says about this mission.

Where do Jesus and the disciples end up after they are done with the mission (the eschatology of John)?

Part 3

In conclusion, develop two summaries.

Address what this study says about the outstanding features of John's presentation of who Jesus is.

What does this study say about who and what it means to be the disciple of Jesus?

This assignment should be according to the APA Style.

Reference no: EM131608380

Questions Cloud

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What is the mission jesus is sent : What is the mission Jesus is sent on-the mission of the disciples. Elaborate on what John says about this mission
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