What is the minimum width of a corridor in a low hazard

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133450587

  1. For a warehouse with an area of 5,000 square feet, what is the occupant load (persons)?
  2. A 1st office building sized at 30' x 60' feet has an occupant load of how many persons?
  3. For prob. #2 can I have a single exit from this space? Explain.
  4. What is the maximum length (in feet) of exit access travel for a non-sprinklered low hazard factory building? 
  5. What is the maximum length (in feet) of a dead end corridor for a non-sprinklered office building?
  6. For a non-sprinklered office building with an occupant load of 120 persons, what is the minimum width (in inches) of a corridor in that building?
  7. Is the corridor from problem from the previous problem required to be fire resistance rated? Explain.
  8. If I am required to have two exits in a non-sprinklered rectangular building that is 60' wide x 80' long, what is the minimum distance (in feet) that those exits must be placed apart to conform with the code.
  9. What are the minimum temperature requirements of spaces intended for human occupancy? Explain
  10. A 3-story shaft enclosure shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than how many hours?
  11. A 20 minute rated corridor wall is required to have labeled fire-protected openings of how many minutes? 
  12. An exit enclosure stairway connecting four stories is required to have a fire resistance rating of not less than how many hours?
  13. The exit enclosure stairway in the previous problem is required to have labeled fire-protected openings of how many minutes?
  14. In a 3-story office building, 50 feet in height, that is 15,000 square feet/floor in area, is an automatic sprinkler system required? Explain.
  15. For an apartment building that is 3-stories in height, is an automatic sprinkler system required? Explain.
  16. If I have a building in with an occupied floor that was 50' in height above Fire Dept. Access, would a standpipe system be required? Explain
  17. Where are standpipe system hose outlets generally located and why? Explain.
  18. For a one-story retail store that is 8,000 square feet in area, is an automatic sprinkler system required? Explain
  19. Which occupancies below require a smoke control system if the building is 100,000 s.f in area?
  20. What is the minimum clear width of a stair that serves an occupant load of 40 people?
  21. What is the minimum width of a corridor in a low hazard factory occupancy serving 80 occupants? 
  22. How many code acceptable exits are required from a night club that has an occupant load of 600 persons? 
  23. Guards located on a 3rd floor balcony shall form a protective barrier not less than how many inches high, measured vertically from the adjacent walking surface?
  24. How many accessible wheelchair spaces are required to be provided for an assembly area that has 4,000 seats?
  25. For a building with 2 public entrances, how many of them need to be accessible?

Reference no: EM133450587

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