What is the minimum full time hourly wage

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Reference no: EM133189423

SITXHRM004 - Recruit, select and induct staff

Assessment 1 - Identify Recruitment Needs
Before beginning this assessment, you need to remember that all work submitted must be presented in a professional manner as if you were presenting it in a real workplace. Therefore, all templates you provide must be formatted and presented professionally.
During the following assessments you will be required to:
• Write a variety of reports
• Develop job descriptions
• Design job advertisements
• Apply for simulated job roles
• Conduct simulated interviews
• Develop specific induction programs.
Scenario- Pop Up Café
In this assessment you have been employed by the owner of a new take away "pop- up" café called Mondo's as the "Recruitment Manager". In this role you will be required to identify the recruitment needs of a brand-new pop- up Hospitality business. You will need to identify the recruitment needs based on the trading trend that the owner has forecast in the café's opening week. Keeping in mind that the café will operate as follows;
• Wednesday - Friday 7am-4pm
• Saturday 7am-11pm.
Questions that you might need to ask yourself include:
• How many staff will be required to operate "Mondo's" during the specified trading hours?
• What will be the roles of the staff that you need to employ?
The owner has forecast an average customer count across the four days of trade:
• 7am-11am- 37 customers
• 11am-2pm- 103 customers
• 2pm- 4pm- 88 customers
• 4pm-6.30pm- 42 customers
• 6.30pm-11pm- 96 customers
Analyse the above and identify the recruitment needs of the café. Hospitality operational standards indicate that one staff member should be able to comfortably service 20 customers.
• How many managers will you need to hire?
• How many Baristas will you need to hire?
• How many chefs and kitchen hands will you need to hire?
• And so forth
Once you have clearly identified the recruitment needs for the café, write a brief report (of no less than 500 words) on your findings, including:
• How you identify the recruitment needs of the cafe
• How you will consult with colleagues about staffing
• Discuss the process you will undertake to obtain approval for recruitment according to specific organisational requirements (this may include a "Recruitment Request) which has been attached to assist you in this part of the assessment
• Describe the relationships of the job descriptions to the selection criteria
• Discuss how you will link the interview questions to the criteria.
You have identified the recruitment needs for the café and will now need to recruit the following;
• One casual barista
• One full-time waitperson
• One volunteer kitchen hand.
Before you advertise these positions, you will need to develop the job descriptions for each. That will be a total of three (3) job descriptions. Make sure that they are developed in a clear and concise manner, addressing the identified selection criteria. To ensure that you develop job descriptions to meet the selection criteria. Remember that a job description must include the following:
• The title of the job
• Workplace responsibilities
• Customer service responsibilities
• Day to day operational tasks and duties
• Who the person will be reporting to
• Salary range
• Department/ outlet or venue the job will take place
• The skills required to perform the job
• Personal qualities required for the job
• Qualifications required to perform the job
• Job performance standards
• Employment conditions.

Make sure that you have submitted:
1. Your report of no less than 500 words that covers all criteria listed
2. Job description for casual barista
3. Job description for full-time waitperson
4. Job description for volunteer kitchen hand
5. Provide the sources of where you obtained information and templates

Assessment 2 - Administer Recruitment
Before beginning this assessment, you need to remember that all work submitted must be presented in a professional manner as if you were presenting it in a real workplace. Therefore, all templates you provide must be formatted and presented professionally. Previously you have identified the recruitment needs of "Mondo's" pop- up café and have successfully developed the job descriptions for the following;
• One full- time wait person (Wednesday to Saturday 38 Hours / Rostered system / Salary as per award)
• One casual barista - (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - 6.5 hours per day / Salary as per award)
• Volunteer Kitchen hand - Part Time (1 day per week).
a) Interview questions
Looking over the three (3) job description that you have created above, you will now need to look at the criteria of each job description and come up with a set of interview questions that you will ask when interviewing for each role. Attach these three sets of questions for your assessor.
b) Report
Now as part of assessment 2- Administer recruitment, you will write a brief report of no less than 500 words indicating:
• What is a selection process and how does it work?
• How are job applicants processed?
• What checks will be done when processing applicants?
• What will you look for when reviewing the applicants received and why?
• What are standard methods of informing unsuccessful and successful applicants?
• What special needs may need to be considered when progressing applicants?
• What process must a Hospitality business follow when documenting and filing recruitment?
• Describe three (3) interview strategies that will be used to conduct the interview process (for example, face to face)
• How do you ensure that interview questions mirror the job description criteria?
c) Job advertising
Once you have completed the report above and discussed all the criteria, you are now required to source and/ or research appropriate templates to develop advertisements for the three (3) positions.
Advertisements will appear in different platforms, from online, newspaper and internal. So that will be a total of three (3) job advertisements using various advertising methods. Once you have developed the job vacancy advertisements you will need to disseminate them to the other students in the class. Students will then apply providing their resume that has been written to address the criteria of the specific job role.
To assist you in providing professional and standard assessment work please ONLY use the templates provided at the link:

Make sure that you have submitted;
1. Word documents using Microsoft word
2. Your interview questions that meet the criteria of each role (total three (3) sets of interview questions)
3. Written report minimum 500 words
4. Advertisements for each job role
5. Sources of all your information

Assessment 3 - Select Staff
Before beginning this assessment, you need to remember that all work submitted must be presented in a professional manner as if you were presenting it in a real workplace. Therefore, all templates you provide must be formatted and presented professionally.
In your assessments thus far, you have;
• Identified the roles that you need to fill for the pop- up café, "Mondo's"
• Placed appropriate advertising
• Received applicants from students
In this assessment you will now have the difficult task of selecting one applicant for each position advertised. How will you do this? Do you know how to do this?
Keeping in mind that Mondo's section process must:
• Adhere to equal employment opportunity principles
• Use specific job criteria indicated in the job description as basis for selection
• Ensure merit based select
• Include you to participate in the selection process
• Evaluate applicants making sure that their experience is the best fit for the position advertised
• Evaluate applicant's customer service standards and the attitude towards best practice
• Determine whether the applicant is the best fit for the café's culture
• Discuss selection recommendations with others
• Make an employment offer
• Provide new employees details of organisational policy
• Maintain records of the selection process.

Assessment Questions
Looking over the above selection process answer the following questions and provide answers in word document:
1. What are three (3) equal employment opportunity principles?
2. Why is it essential that you use specific job criteria as a basis for your applicant selection?
3. What is meant by the phrase "merit-based selection"?
4. Why would you include others in the selection process?
5. How would you ascertain if an applicant's experience was the best fit for the position?
6. In the Hospitality industry, why is customer service standards and attitude paramount?
7. What is meant by the term, "cultural fit"?
8. What are the benefits of discussing selected applicants with significant others?
9. What are five (5) essential elements of a "letter of employment offer"?
10. When providing new employees with organisational information, what are four key (4) details that must be provided?
11. Describe the steps taken in the selection process, include how records are maintained.
Now that you have a clearer understanding of the selection process, you now have the task of selecting one applicant for each position.
Job evaluation application form (example provided)
From all the resumes submitted by your fellow students to you for the job role you advertise, you will now need to
evaluate at least one applicant for each of the three (3) roles advertised against the job description criteria. To assist you in this task you may use the following template. Make sure you have submitted your completed Job evaluation application form as part of this assessment.
To assist you in providing professional and standard assessment work please ONLY us the templates provided at the following link:
Role play (Observation)
Now that the successful applicants have been notified, each student will act out their role of "Recruitment Manager" for "Mondo's" café and conduct an interview with one other student (the successful applicant). Using the interview questions that they developed in assessment two (2) and their resumes that they have tailored to address the criteria of each job vacancy
Inform applicant
You will then review the applications provided and inform applicants of your decision. You will do this by drafting up either a letter informing them that they have either been unsuccessful or successful. A copy of both must be attached for your assessor.
To assist you in providing professional and standard assessment work please ONLY us the templates provided at the following link:
Letter of employment offer
You will now develop a "letter of employment offer" using the templates available by searching the following:
At the completion of the interview as the acting "Recruitment Manager" you will now need to issue a "letter of employment offer" to the successful student. Time will be allocated for you to draft your letter.
To assist you in providing professional and standard assessment work please ONLY us the templates provided at the following link:

Make sure that you attached your "letter of employment offer" as part of this assessment.
Make sure that you have submitted:
1. A word document using Microsoft word
2. Answers to ALL assessment questions
3. A drafted copy of your "letter of employment offer"
4. Provide the sources of where you obtained information and templates

Assessment 4 - Plan and organise induction programs
Before beginning this assessment, you need to remember that all work submitted must be presented in a professional manner as if you were presenting it in a real workplace. Therefore, all templates you provide must be formatted and presented professionally.
In assessment three (3) you conducted an interview with one other student (the successful applicant). Using the interview questions that they developed in assessment two (2). You analysed and matched the job criteria with the applicants resume.
You then developed a "letter of employment offer" using the templates your sourced. Now that you have selected the applicants that you want to fill the advertised roles.

To assist you in providing professional and standard assessment work please ONLY us the templates provided at the following link:

In this assessment you will now plan and organise an induction program so that you can induct the new employees into the "Mondo's organisation. Your task here is to present your induction program in PowerPoint form and induct other students in your class.
Make sure that you consider the following key points:
• Plan content and format of induction programs to must reflect organisational objectives and policies
• Include all appropriate information in induction programs according to organisational policy.
Information that could appear in your induction program (depending on type and size of the business) PowerPoint may include:
• Introduction to Mondo's Cafe (which includes an outline of business objectives)
• Conditions of employment
• Contact details of various departments or work colleagues
• The organisations customer focus and/ or initiatives
• Employee benefits
• Employee responsibilities
• Employee rights
• The organisations culture
• The organisational goals
• The organisations objectives
• The organisations responsibilities
• The organisations vision/ vision statement
• Organisational policies and procedures (reflect on the policies and procedures that were developed in the research and comply with regulatory requirements learning module)
• Department locations and equipment (if applicable)
• Staff amenities for example lunch room
• Off-site operations- could include external catering agreements
• All aspect of the business premise
• Business or organisational chart (if applicable)
• Payroll information
• Superannuation
• Wage payments
• Leave entitlements
• Work health and safety
• Policies and procedures relating to job role
• Social media compliance
To assist you in the task of developing an induction program for new staff members, use the following keys words when searching the internet:
• Induction plan template
• Template for new employee induction program
• Guide to providing a good induction
• Images for induction program examples
Present your induction program
Now that you have developed your induction program you will be asked to present a part of it to your class members (acting as new employees).
When presenting your induction program via PowerPoint to the class, ensure you have discussed:
• the history of the business and its role
• who the employee reports to
• the employee's duties and what training will be provided
• performance expectations and when and how performance will be reviewed
• hours of work and the procedure for recording hours of work
• meal breaks
• the applicable award or enterprise agreement, and where to find a copy
• the payment method first pay date and how payslips are distributed
• any workplace policies and procedures including:
o uniform or dress code (if any)
o procedure if the employee is sick or running late
o procedure for applying for leave
o rules regarding personal calls, visitors and/or use of social media at work
o any bullying, harassment and anti-discrimination policies.
Implementation of induction program
On presentation closure you will then be asked to explain how and why your induction program needs to be implemented in a manner that minimises operational disruption to your workplace. A word document explaining this must be attached for your assessor.
Make sure that you have submitted:
1. A word document using Microsoft word
2. Develop an induction program for new staff
3. Present a part of your induction program (as requested by facilitator)
4. Provide an explanation on how and why it is important to implement an induction program with minimal operational disruption to daily workplace operations
5. Provide the sources of which you obtained information and templates

Assessment 5 - Written Assessment


1 What is the minimum full time hourly wage for the following positions according to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 as at Jan 2018.

Level 2 Cook - Grade 1
Level 3-Food and Beverage Attendant - Grade 3

Level 2-Kitchen Attendant
- Grade 2

2 According to the National Employment Standards .........
a. What are the maximum weekly hours of work an employer can request an employee undertake?
b. What employees are entitled to Parenting Leave entitlements?

c. How much notice must an employee give to an employer before taking unpaid parental leave?

d. What rights does an employer have regarding requiring employees to work onpublic holidays?

3 According to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, what allowances must be paid in the event of:
Overtime of more than 2 hours, without notification
A cook who is required to use their own tools
An employee required to start earlier than their shift, before their normal method of transport is available
A full-time staff member required to perform first aid duties as part of their job (who holds a first aid
A staff member is working
remotely and is required to stay over night
Part time and casual
catering employee's laundry reimbursements

4 According to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, what rates must be paid to an employee required to work overtime?

5 According to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, what are the mandated breaks an employee can take in their shift?

6 According to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, what are the maximum allowed shift hours for a full-time employee, and the mandated breaks between shifts?

7 According to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, what are the maximum allowed shift hours for a part time employee, and the mandated breaks between shifts?

8 List four (4) key aspects of EEO within a workplace

9 What are the rights and responsibilities of staff under EEO?

10 What are three (3) procedures that are undertaken when conducting an employment check?

11 How might you encourage an applicant to allow you to reference check?

12 How might you encourage an employer to provide a reference check if they do not want to?

13 Describe the role of recruitment agencies

14 Describe the relationship between job descriptions, selection criteria and interview questions.

15 What is the importance of Staff Induction?

16 When should staff induction occur?

17 List 10 types of information that may be included in an induction program and/ or presentation.

18 Referring to individuals that may have special needs, list 3 different arrangements you may need to make during the interview process and prior to the applicant starting employment.

Pre / During interview

19 List four (4) different triggers that would prompt you to employ additional short-term staff?

20 List two (2) different people / departments you would consult with when identifying staffing needs (and why)

Read the job advertisement below and answer the following questions.
Specifics Food Company

• Immediate StartAvailable
• Full Time Position - 40 Hours - SalaryNegotiable
• Modern Fast Paced Friendly TeamEnvironment

Successful small real food establishment located in Castlecrag requires a well presented and reliable person to work Monday to Friday 9-5 as a junior receptionist - maternity leave relief for 12 months to start immediately.
The position includes training and free parking for the successful applicant We require someone who:
• Has a professional phonemanner
• Excellent written and verbal communicationskills
• Good computerskills
• Attention todetail
• Has the ability to workautonomously
If you meet the above criteria and wish to apply please send your resume to [email protected] or via the link below

This job advertisement was sourced from seek.com.au. Some changes have been made to this piece of text for the purpose of assessment.

21 List three (3) positive elements used in this text?

22 What is the purpose of a job advertisement?

23 Identify four (4) changes that could be made to this job advertisement to make it more effective

24 Describe each of the following recruitment options, and outline at least 2 advantages and disadvantages of each one.

Internal Recruitment

Newspaper Advertising

Recruitment Agencies

Group interviews

Assessment Centres

25 Describe the purpose and content / inclusions for each of the following

Administrative documents

Interview schedules

Interviewer details

Selection panel comments, score sheets and recommendations

Records of interviews

26 When undertaking the selection process, what might be three (3) checks performed before selection is made?

27 Image that you have chosen a successful applicant for a recent job vacancy and are going to have them in for an interview. a)What might be five (5) interview strategies and (b) What two
(2) tasks could follow if interviewee was successful?

28 List five (5) special arrangements that could be in an organisations selection procedure?

Attachment:- Recruit, select and induct staff.rar

Reference no: EM133189423

Questions Cloud

Solve this model using the excel solver : Solve this model using the Excel Solver, Make one Excel worksheet with two tabs, one for the model, and one for the answer report
Identify and use appropriate communication strategies : Identify and use appropriate communication strategies - Analysing the re-occurring issues what could be some guidance that Andrew could offer in his role
What are the limitations of internal control : Why should the person who keeps the records of an asset not be the person responsible for its custody? What are the limitations of internal control
What is operating income if sold at splitoff : The small apples currently sell to the deep discounters and local manufacturers for $5 per dozen. What is operating income if sold at splitoff
What is the minimum full time hourly wage : What rights does an employer have regarding requiring employees to work onpublic holidays and What is the minimum full time hourly wage
Identify the legislation and industry codes of practice : Your task is to choose an organisation - Identify the legislation and industry codes of practice relevant to the payment systems in the organisation
Develop operational budget and plan : Develop Operational Budget and Plan - Describe three (3) policies and procedures that support budget negotiation practice at your workplace or a workplace
What difficulties did you face along the way : How long has the company been working on becoming more entrepreneurial? What difficulties did you face along the way
Discuss why manager have failed to apply management theories : Discuss why manager have failed to apply management theories, effectively to address management issues that affects the company


Write a Review

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