Reference no: EM131126647
Multiple Choice Questions-
1. People who habitually say, "Naturally, I act this way because of the way I grew up," fail to realize, as the text suggests, that:
a. their choices are limited
b. free choice and responsibility go hand in hand
c. they cannot take calculated risks
d. they have fewer options than their parents
2. Self-actualization correlates with:
a. perception of lack of control over one's life
b. altruism toward others
c. decidophobia about life change
d. a desire to control people around you
3. Which of the following follow the same individuals over a long time period?
a. collective studies
b. longitudinal studies
c. cross-sectional studies
d. introversion studies
4. Throughout development, the personality trait least likely to change is:
a. self-esteem
b. personal mastery
c. neuroticism
d. control over one's environment
5. Which aspect of the personality is most susceptible to change?
a. aspects of emotional style
b. aspects of social style
c. extroversion
d. self-esteem
6. Individuals who have a malleable view of personality:
a. are not open to learning
b. have a difficult time facing challenges
c. are better able to bounce back from failures
d. have a hard time in conflict-laden relationships
7. Which stage of personal growth is accompanied by a certain degree of anxiety and discomfort?
a. acknowledging change
b. sensing dissonance
c. reorganizing our experience
d. altering our attitudes
8. The experience of personal growth usually ends with the stage of:
a. reorganizing our experience
b. acknowledging change
c. feeling anxiety and discomfort
d. understanding the source of fear
9. According to Erikson, if a child's actions are unduly restricted at about the age of 7 years, the child will develop a sense of:
a. shame
b. despair
c. inferiority
d. isolation
10. According to Erikson, the stage during which family ties are loosened during early adulthood is called:
a. industry vs. inferiority
b. intimacy vs. isolation
c. generativity vs. stagnation
d. integrity vs. despair
11. According to Erikson, between the ages of 40 and 65, individuals are faced with the crisis of:
a. industry vs. inferiority
b. intimacy vs. isolation
c. generativity vs. stagnation
d. integrity vs. despair
12. In Erikson's eight stages of psychosocial development, the polar opposite of integrity is:
a. despair
b. isolation
c. guilt
d. mistrust
13. The concept of reinforcement:
a. rarely works.
b. is a reward to enhance learning.
c. deals with conscious needs.
d. can largely explain behavior.
14. emphasizes the importance of learning and the environment rather than biological or unconscious drives.
a. Bandura's social learning theory
b. Erikson's psychosocial theory
c. Freud's psychodynamic theory
d. Jung's analytical psychology
15. From which perspective are psychologists most likely to argue that spanking is harmful to children?
a. the learning perspective
b. the psychoanalysis perspective
c. the humanistic perspective
d. All of the above.
16. Which perspective on personality argues children should NOT be exposed to violence on television?
a. the social learning perspective
b. psychoanalysis
c. behaviorism
d. All perspectives have argued against televised violence.
17. Tom, aged 52, has less sexual vigor and fewer fertile sperm than in the past. Tom is experiencing:
a. menopause
b. sexual senility
c. the climacteric
d. sexual impotency
18. Viagra is for:
a. older men in their change of life
b. young people, both male and female
c. arthritis in men and women
d. men only, not women
19. Which is NOT associated with late adulthood?
a. slower reflexes
b. more restful sleep
c. trouble maintaining balance
d. less physical energy
20. Which is true of our cognitive functions in late adulthood?
a. Cognitive decline is inevitable in late life.
b. The ability to use accumulated knowledge to solve problems can improve with age.
c. Adults lose some of their creative ability in late adulthood.
d. Older adults have less difficulty remembering information related to time.
21. According to the text, one of the most important ingredients of successful aging is:
a. avoiding disputes with one's spouse
b. maintaining a sense of internal control
c. finding a suitable nursing home
d. living near one's children
22. Which statement is true about retirement?
a. Retirement experiences vary by individual.
b. Adjustment to retirement is better when it is forced by the employer.
c. Health is not a predictor in retirement adjustment.
d. Retired persons require more income for major expenses.
23. According to self-enhancement theory, people prefer and seek out positive feedback about:
a. those attributes they, themselves, view as positive
b. both their positive and negative attributes
c. mostly their negative attributes
d. only attributes they are uncertain of
24. Which statement is true about women's self-esteem?
a. Women's self-esteem is more affected by self-reflection than men's.
b. Women's self-esteem is more affected by task success than men's.
c. Women have generally lower self-esteem than men.
d. Men have generally lower self-esteem than women.
25. One of the most common ways our self-concept changes is:
a. through our interactions with people
b. by not getting too close to people
c. through criticism from others; praise has little effect on most people
d. by avoiding successful people and therefore upward comparison
26. During a state of , emotions, cognitions, and experiences related to the real world are not consciously processed in the typical manner.
a. heightened awareness
b. relaxation
c. self-reflection
d. psychological absorption
27. According to the text, our perception of how others view us is key to:
a. what others think of us
b. the way we see ourselves
c. our parental influence
d. who we would like to be
28. Research demonstrates that most individuals:
a. overestimate how salient their own behaviors and appearance are to others
b. underestimate their own intelligence
c. expect higher grades than they receive
d. feel self-feedback is more important than feedback from others
29. A return to previous behavior is called:
a. relapse
b. addiction
c. rebound
d. None of the above.
30. What percent of Americans live where air quality standards are not met?
a. 18
b. 25
c. 32
d. nearly 50
31. Which is NOT one of the three stages of decision making when seeking medical care?
a. noticing and interpreting your symptoms
b. seeking advice from friends and family
c. seeking professional help
d. adhering to the prescribed treatment
32. Women, compared to men, generally:
a. use fewer prescription drugs
b. have higher rates of ulcers
c. are more sensitive to changes in their bodies
d. are less likely to report symptoms to a health-care professional
33. Why do women have higher illness rates and yet live longer lives than men?
a. This is untrue; there are no sex differences in illness rates.
b. Women are shorter in height and weigh less.
c. Women have fewer chronic illnesses.
d. Women are more likely to seek professional care.
34. Women doctors:
a. spend more time with patients
b. allow patients to talk more
c. explain medical terminology better
d. All of the above.
35. According to the text, the initial step for making sound decisions is to:
a. rise to the challenge
b. make a commitment
c. weigh the options
d. evaluate the alternatives
36. In the recommended process for making wise decisions, the fifth and final stage consists of:
a. searching for alternatives
b. accepting the challenge
c. assessing your actions and decision
d. following through with your decision
37. When we feel that we may have made an incorrect or poor decision, the uncomfortable psychological state is called:
a. reactance after the fact
b. pessimistic explanatory style
c. learned helplessness
d. postdecision regret
38. You want to give away a perfectly good sofa but no one will take it, even when you offer to deliver it. Then you leave it out on the curb, and it disappears overnight. What might best explain the behavior of others who did or did not take the sofa?
a. learned helplessness
b. reactance
c. decidophobia
d. depression
39. Which of the following is an example of reactance?
a. giving money to charity every year and giving the same amount
b. reading a book you have always wanted to read just for sheer pleasure
c. finishing a crossword puzzle and feeling very proud of yourself
d. driving slowly because someone is tailgating to get you to speed up
40. According to the text, which of the following suggestions is a good way to improve your decision making?
a. strive for perfection
b. make decisions quickly
c. use more sound judgment
d. put aside your values
41. Plutchik's model identifies primary emotions.
a. 8
b. 9
c. 10
d. 6
42. Women report responses to negative personal events than do men.
a. happier
b. sadder
c. similar
d. no
43. Based on his cross-cultural research, Matsumoto claims that a seventh universal emotion expressed on the human face is:
a. joy
b. love
c. frustration
d. contempt
44. The major implication of body leakage is:
a. that we cannot have control over situational factors
b. that genetic factors play a major role in how we react
c. that we have more potential control over our feelings than popularly believed
d. that postures often show the truth
45. There are components of an "I" message.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
46. An "I" message generally commences with:
a. a description of the other person's objectionable behavior
b. a concrete example of how the other's action affects you
c. a command for the person to cease and desist
d. a description of your emotional reaction
47. Shyness is thought to be the result of influences.
a. biological
b. societal
c. biological and environmental
d. cultural and environmental
48. According to the text, which is NOT a good way to overcome shyness?
a. avoid social situations
b. develop your social skills
c. try to stop being perfectionist
d. focus on your participation in an activity
49. Friendships are LEAST defined by:
a. the frequency of association
b. the intimacy of the relationship
c. mutual praise for successes
d. the loyalty of the other person
50. People who report good general well-being have close friends and report levels of sharing of intimate information with friends.
a. many; high
b. many; low
c. only a few; high
d. only a few; low
51. Studies regarding self-disclosure have shown that:
a. Increasing levels of disclosure lead to greater intimacy.
b. The more men share about themselves, the more positively they are perceived.
c. High-esteem people share their feelings more readily than low-esteem people.
d. Pairs of men engage in greater disclosure than do pairs of women.
52. When considering gender and self-disclosure, which statement is NOT true?
a. Pairs of women engage in more intimate disclosure.
b. Men disclose more than is disclosed to them.
c. Men are more apt to disclose less personal topics.
d. Men use disclosure to strive for power.
53. In which culture are members most likely to interact with authority figures?
a. high-power-distance societies
b. medium-power-distance societies
c. low-power-distance societies
d. There is equal access to authority figure in all of these.
54. Which of the following are signs of groupthink?
a. the illusion of invulnerability
b. mindguards
c. isolation of the group from criticism
d. All of the above.
55. One of the ways groupthink can be prevented is to:
a. promote skepticism
b. provide strong, directive leadership
c. avoid bringing in outsiders, especially experts
d. prevent the development of subgroups
56. When you over-attribute other people's behaviors to personality traits rather than situations, you have fallen prey to:
a. face-saving
b. self-fulfilling prophesy
c. the fundamental attribution error
d. integrative solutions
57. When both sides can win something, this kind of conflict resolution is called:
a. a compromise
b. an integrative solution
c. concession bargaining
d. group polarization
58. The person who remains neutral in a conflict but renders a binding solution to the conflict is known as a(n):
a. mediator
b. mindguard
c. arbitrator
d. negotiator
59. The most notable inequality between men and women in the workplace is the gap between their:
a. education
b. work productivity
c. earnings
d. job qualifications
60. According to the text, which is NOT a recommended strategy for dealing with sexual harassment?
a. Make it clear when you disapprove.
b. Record the time, place, and manner of each incident.
c. Avoid talking to coworkers about what has happened.
d. Make a note of who laughed at the inappropriate joke.
61. The segment of the workforce that works the longest hours is:
a. blue-collar workers
b. people in service jobs
c. administrators
d. union workers
62. The majority of people report their favorite activity in the evening is:
a. participating in their favorite sports activity
b. creating works of art or crafts such as weaving and painting
c. watching television
d. talking to family members or friends
63. The most common reason Americans take a vacation is for:
a. escape
b. relaxation
c. self-discovery
d. family togetherness
64. What is true about volunteering?
a. It can't help with job skills.
b. It is decreasing.
c. It is good for health.
d. It is best done after retirement.
65. Which term below does NOT signal a sexual dysfunction?
a. refractory period
b. erectile inhibition
c. premature ejaculation
d. female orgasmic disorder
66. The incidence of STD is highest among which age group?
a. 15- to 19-year-olds
b. 20- to 24-year-olds
c. 25- to 29-year olds
d. 30- to 34-year olds
67. Which two STDs can produce painful sores that are symptoms of infection?
a. syphilis and gonorrhea
b. chlamydia and genital herpes
c. gonorrhea and chlamydia
d. genital herpes and syphilis
68. Which statement about AIDS is true?
a. You can tell by looking that someone has the AIDS virus.
b. It's possible to get the AIDS virus from hugging or kissing, or from a toilet seat.
c. The AIDS virus may be spread through sneezing and coughing.
d. None of these statements is true.
69. Almost half of all rape victims are:
a. females between 11 and 18 years of age
b. younger than 18 years of age
c. male inmates older than 18 years of age
d. anyone older than 25 years of age
70. Which statement about sexual assault is true?
a. Victims provoke sexual assault when they dress provocatively.
b. If a woman goes to someone's room, she assumes the risk of sexual assault.
c. It's only rape if the victim puts up a fight and resists.
d. None of these statements are true.
71. A cognitive therapy that attempts to change basic thought and emotional patterns for couples is:
a. gestalt therapy
b. emotion focused therapy
c. behavior modification
d. psychoanalysis
72. A teenage stepson does not get along well with his stepfather, so his mother decides to ask the two of them to go for help. The three of them visit a neutral person who writes an agreement with some rules about curfews and study times for the teenage son. The agreement also includes statements about how and when the stepfather can discipline his stepson. This process is known as:
a. psychotherapy
b. role playing
c. family mediation
d. rational-emotive therapy
73. Which statement about infidelity is false?
a. Between 20 to 50 percent of U.S. women have engaged in extramarital sex.
b. Between 30 to 60 percent of U.S. men have engaged in extramarital sex.
c. Having had a high number of prior sex partners is a predictor of marital affairs.
d. Thinking about sex several times a day is not a predictor of marital affairs.
74. Studies show that parental discord before and after a divorce:
a. surprisingly has little impact on children's adjustment
b. has an impact on children's adjustment only after the divorce is finalized
c. influences children's adjustment more powerfully than the divorce itself
d. makes the divorce less shocking for children and leads to better adjustment
75. Studies of divorced people have shown that:
a. most remarry in the first year after their divorce
b. most divorced people marry another divorced person
c. few of them are willing to ever marry again
d. None of the above.
76. Families that contain stepparents and stepchildren are known as families.
a. remarried
b. remixed
c. blended
d. accessioned
77. In problem-focused coping, an individual tries to change:
a. the environment
b. his or her perception of the stressor
c. the emotional reaction to stress
d. from expressing to suppressing the emotion
78. Top executives in Fortune 500 companies who cope well with stress probably have:
a. a type A personality
b. psychological hardiness
c. little need for personal control
d. an intense competitiveness that keeps them from realizing how much stress they have
79. Which was NOT defined in the text as an environmental response to stress?
a. withdrawal
b. displacement
c. assertiveness
d. compromise
80. Withdrawal from a stressful situation:
a. is almost always an unhealthy, maladjusted response to stress
b. is a temporary symptom-reducing response, so it rarely works
c. is a viable problem-solving response under some conditions
d. is the preferred response in most stressful situations
81. People in high-pressure jobs build up their in order to handle a greater degree of stress.
a. stress tolerance
b. resilience
c. hardiness
d. eustress
82. Research has shown that the pace of life is the fastest in:
a. The United States
b. France
c. Japan
d. India
83. In contrast to major depression, bipolar disorder:
a. usually occurs before age 30
b. is more prevalent among women than men
c. is more common in the general population
d. is more prevalent among married people
84. Jennifer, who has an intense fear of getting fat, eats so little that her weight has dropped from 140 pounds to 95 pounds in less than a year. She is most likely suffering from:
a. anorexia nervosa
b. narcissism
c. bulimia nervosa
d. compulsive overeating
85. Episodes of binging and purging are characteristic of:
a. social anxiety disorder
b. anorexia nervosa
c. narcissistic personalities
d. bulimia nervosa
86. Robert is a loner who hears imaginary voices and claims people are plotting against him. Robert is most likely suffering from:
a. schizophrenia
b. bipolar disorder
c. an anxiety disorder
d. antisocial personality disorder
87. One symptom of is distorted beliefs, known as .
a. anxiety disorder; hypertension
b. schizophrenia; delusions
c. OCD; hallucinations
d. bipolar disorder; compulsions
88. Which one of the following factors generally indicates a favorable prognosis for recovery from schizophrenia?
a. sudden onset of symptoms
b. no felt need for professional help
c. early age of onset of symptoms
d. diagnoses of undifferentiated schizophrenia
89. What has resulted due to community-based services falling short of what is needed?
a. an increase in funding for such services
b. an increase in staffing and supplies
c. a decrease in the return of former patients to the community
d. a decrease in hospitalization
90. Which groups tend to under utilize mental health care services?
a. White Americans
b. African Americans
c. women
d. Asian Americans
91. Unlike psychologists, psychiatrists:
a. have a medical degree
b. cannot conduct family therapy
c. have a Ph.D.
d. don't conduct group therapy
92. Paraprofessionals usually have:
a. either 2- or 4-year degrees
b. Ph.D.
c. Ed.D.
d. Psy.D.
93. People in short-term therapy usually:
a. gain a better understanding of skills to cope
b. gain a better understanding of the role of their parents
c. gain changes in their personality
d. remain in therapy longer
94. In order to terminate therapy:
a. you need to have resolved all your issues
b. you need not be able to maintain the gains acquired in therapy on your own
c. you should have more understanding and control over your life
d. your difficulties may still interfere with your work and personal activities
95. Living wills are also known as:
a. death decrees
b. advance directives
c. right-to-die laws
d. euthanasia
96. Approximately what percent of hospice patients are cared for in their homes?
a. 30
b. 55
c. 70
d. 85
97. What is the median stay for hospice care?
a. 5 days
b. 12 days
c. 20 days
d. 30 days
98. What percentage of terminally ill patients are in-home hospice patients?
a. 35
b. 48
c. 68
d. 77
99. Which statement about caregivers is false?
a. Heart disease is more prevalent in caregivers than noncaregivers.
b. There are more nonpaid caregivers in the U.S. than paid or professional caregivers.
c. The number of caregivers in the U.S. has remained steady.
d. Caregiving is both emotionally and physically exhausting.
100. Cremation is the preferred method of body disposition in funerals.
a. Mexican
b. American
c. Chinese
d. none of the above