Reference no: EM133736923
Question: Describe the action potential conduction and neurotransmission process from one neuron to another, electrically (including saltatory conduction) and chemically. Provide your answer under each specific bolded question
Next, describe how a cell fires an action potential and be sure to address which structures are involved in neurotransmission.
Finally, discuss reuptake and enzymatic degradation (breakdown) in the context of the appropriate neurotransmitters.
Discuss some methodological approaches that can be used to examine the influence of multiple genes on behavior.
Then discuss what transgenic animals are and how they are produced.
What is the medial forebrain bundle?
Discuss the evidence for and against its involvement in reward.
In addition, review the evidence showing that the brain's dopamine pathways are critically involved in pleasure and reward.
Describe the main structures of the brain stem, the midbrain, and the forebrain, including the basal ganglia, the limbic system, and the cerebral cortex. What functions and behaviors are these regions known to control?
Provide an in-depth analysis of the peripheral nervous system and its subcomponents.
Discuss how the PNS and its subcomponents impact brain function and the consequences of dysfunction of these components to the brain, including the central nervous system.
The assignment is due Sunday of week four. It requires a minimum of two substantive paragraphs for each answer, with a minimum of 300 words for the combined paragraphs.
Write a response to the screening and readings
: Write a response to this screening and readings. What did you find interesting or surprising in the course materials?
Essay that presents two sides of an issue without revealing
: Develop a concise thesis statement that clearly and accurately presents the main idea you will develop in your paper.
Identify and interview two stakeholders
: Identify and interview two stakeholders from different disciplines (Health, medicine, financial, physical therapy, administration, nutrition, social work, etc.)
What the results of the assessment instruments suggest
: Describe, in words, what the results of the assessment instruments suggest about the person in 1. What you think explains the apparently contradictory findings.
What is the medial forebrain bundle
: What is the medial forebrain bundle? Discuss the evidence for and against its involvement in reward
Who demonstrated strong interpersonal skills
: The most effective leader was Sam, who demonstrated strong interpersonal skills, conscientiousness, and emotional intelligence.
About how the business or organization is greenwashing
: How do you agree or disagree with your peer about how the business or organization is greenwashing and how it is being socially responsible?
Explain why you chose the social justice brief
: Identify the title of the Social Justice Brief that you selected to help inform your message. Explain why you chose the Social Justice Brief.
Describe a specific example of your topic in use in health
: Define your topic and explain its relevance to health informatics. Describe any ethical issues associated with your topic