What is the mechanism that generates this diversity

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM139579

Question 1: Many of the larger DNA viruses are able to enhance viral protein translation by coding for ribosomes that selectively translate viral proteins.

a. True b. false 

Question 2:  A viral messenger RNA has the following sequence:


The following proteins are produced:



What is the mechanism that generates this diversity?

A.      Polyprotein Synthesis

B.      Leaky Scanning

C.      Suppression of Termination

D.      Ribosomal frameshift 

Question 3: Some viruses are able to initiate translation at sites other than AUG(Methionine)?

a. True    b. false 

Question 4: A viral messenger RNA has the following sequence:


The following proteins are produced:



What is the mechanism of diversity in translation of this viral mRNA?

Question 5: The genomes of (+) RNA viruses can be translated immediately upon cellular entry, even though they do not possess a 5' 7-methylguanosine cap due to the presence of this structure at the 5' end of the genome [x].

Question 6: Most viral infections induce activation of the eIF2a kinase PKR which halts protein translation in an infected cell. Which of the following mechanism enable viruses to evade the antiviral effects of PKR (Select all that apply)?

A.      Viral protein inhibits eIF2a phosphatase.

B.      Viral proteins inhibit dsRNA binding to PKR

C.      Virus produces its own kinase that phsophorylates eIF2a.

D.      Viral protein binds to PKR dsRNA binding site and activates PKR autophosphorylation.

E.       Viral proteins act as pseudo-substrates that inhibit PKR kinase activity

Question 7: Describe how picornaviruses are able to produce multiple proteins from a single mRNA (Limit 3-5 sentences).

Reference no: EM139579

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